
This list does not include abbreviations of authorities, books and journals or herbaria; for the first we have followed general usage, for the last the Index Herbariorum, and for the remainder we have used abbreviations that should be readily comprehensible.

Alt. Altitude

Bal. B. Balansa

Boiss. P. E. E. Boissier

Bornm. J. F. N. Bornmüller

C Central

cm centimetres

D. P. H. Davis

d. district

Da. Dag, Dagi or Daglari (Turkish for mountain or mountain range)

De. Dere, Deresi (Turkish for valley)

E East

Euro-Sib. Euro-Siberian

excl. excluding

f. figure

Fl. Flowering period (in months)

Fors.-Maj. C. J. Forsyth-Major

fr. fruit

G. Gol, Golu (Turkish for lake)

Haradj. M. Haradjian

Hand.-Mazz. H. F. von Handel-Mazzetti

Hausskn. C. Haussknecht

Hub.-Mor. A. Huber-Morath

Ic. Icon

incl. including

Ir.-Tur. Irano-Turanian

Is. Islands

It. Leyd. Iter Leydenense (a Dutch expedition)

km kilometres

loc. cit. on the page previously cited

m metres

Maniss. A. Manissadjian

Medit. Mediterranean

mm millimetres

mt. mountain

N north

op. cit. in the work previously cited

p.p. in part

photo, photograph

Rech. K. H. Rechinger fil.

S south

Sint. P. E. E. Sintenis

s.l. sea level

Stn. & Hend. J. D. A. Stainton & D. M. Henderson

t. plate

unloc. not localised

W west

Y. Yayla, Yaylasi (Turkish for summer pasture)

Yalt. F. Yaltirik

± more or less. about

x 'times' (e.g. 3x4 mm = 3 mm long by 4 mm wide)
