The American Peony Society
Nomenclature 1976-186 p.19
OCEANIA - Krekler, 1984. Seedling #K 141. Deep pink Japanese.
ODD BALL (K 110)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Hybrid, 29-inch, nodding, big double pink. Bulletin #227.
ODD FELLOW-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, May 1977. Bloomed May 2, hybrid. Seedling # 217, single deep bright pink cup. Upright, unusual hybrid. Bulletin #223.
ODD LOT (K 921)-William H. Krekler, June 1978. Different, 35-inch white Japanese. Fine cut center. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #231.
OMEGA RUBRA (K 940)-William H. Krekler, June 1978. Very late dense bright crimson double. Bulletin #231.
ONE GRAND (K 918)-William H. Krekler, June 1978. Large, low dense deep pink double. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #231.
ORV (K 921) - William H. Krekler, June 1978. Good dense average-sized low deep red double. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #231.
OSAGE (27-61) - Myron D. Bigger, 1977. Mixed parents. Very large double lactiflora, very dark red with good stiff 36" stems and clean dark green foliage. Flower all one color.
OUR LADY OF CUENCA-Robert F. Schmidt, Brecksville. Ohio, July 17, 1985. Seedling # S-11. Parentage unknown. First bloomed 1982. White bomb with 5-6" blooms on good strong, stems. 32" height.. good substance, reliable, dark green glossy foliage. Midseason. Bulletin #256.
PAL - William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, June 1977. Seedling # 578. Lactiflora, double light pink, much silver, glossy bush. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.
PAPOOSE-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, June 1977. Seedling # 538. lactiflora, large, twisty rich red double. Stamens peep, best. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.
PARADE LEADER (K 775)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Hybrid, 35-inch, big single red, cutter. Bulletin #227.
PARAMOUNT (K 776)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Hybrid, 34-inch, big single light pink. Bulletin #227.
PARIS GOWN-William H. Krekler, Somerville. Ohio. June 1977. Seedling #583. Lactiflora, big flat light pink silvered semi-double. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.
PARTY DRESS (this is a full description) - William H. Krekler, Registered Bulletin #223. Seedling #K 175. Hybrid, single fuchsia-pink with delicate yellow stamens, blooms open to almost flat. A compact plant with flowers sitting atop foliage. Height 20" with 5" bloom width. Fragrant. Early, very clean, compact medium green foliage. Rock Garden Series. Klehm Nursery. Bulletin #255. PARTY DRESS-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, May 1977. Bloomed May 1, hybrid, seedling # 175. Big maroon red single. Bulletin #223.
PASTEL GEM (18-65) - Myron D. Bigger, 201 N. Rice Road, Topeka, Kansas 66616, 1979. Parentage unknown. Full rose flower, a very light cream pink, beautifully sculptured. Thirty-six inch stems on a very clean foliage.
PATH LIGHTER-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, May 1977. Bloomed before May 3. Hybrid, Seedling # 200. Big floppy single red with tan center. Two-foot bush. Bulletin #223.
PATRIARCH-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, June 1977. Seedling #529. Lactiflora, different, flat pale pink semi- double, tall. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.