type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [european suffruticosa]
While importations from China continued from the time of Sabine's paper to the time of Fortune (1846), nothing new seems to have been brought in. Meanwhile, seedlings began to appear on the continent. The Baumann Nursery, at Bollwiller, on the upper Rhine, in 1836 lists ten varieties, six of which are their own seedlings (with long Latin names). Noisette, one of the first to grow tree peonies in France, and who sold some of his first plants for from 1500 francs to 100 louis, offered twelve new seedlings in 1839; Mathieu of Belleville offered four seedlings and David three, but little or no reference to these earlier varieties is made in later catalogues or periodicals. The first introductions of any lasting value, were apparently those of His, of Versailles, in 1839 and 1842, among these being Hissiana, Josephine Imperatrix, and Carolina. In 1846, Jacob Makoy, of Liege, introduced Lambertinae. In 1846, Seneclauze listed thirty-six varieties, and in 1849 Triomphe de Vandermaelen either first flowered or was introduced by J. F. Vandermaelen, of Brussels. |
source of these names of this compilation: PEONIES, The Manual of the American Peony Society, EDITED BY JAMES BOYD, Copyright 1928 by American Peony Society. Chapter: TREE PEONY CHECK-LIST. Gen. Faidherbe. (Seneclauze, 1889.) Syns. Souv. de Downing; Souv. de Dowening. offered by Paillet 1889; Van Geert 1896; Dessert 1905. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
PEONIES, The Manual of the American Peony Society, ed. by James Boyd, Copyright 1928 by American Peony Society: Tree Peony Check-list. Louis Van Houtte, Ghent, Belgium, 1873. Biography Remembrance of A. J. Downing. (Van Houtte, 1853.) offered by Goos & Koenemann 1911; Paillet 1889. See Souv. de Downing. Souv. de Downing. Syn. Remembrance of A. J. Downing; Souv. de Dowening. (Van Houtte, 1860.) offered by Barbier 1900. See Gen. Faidherbe; Krelage 1867; Van Houtte 1875; Dessert 1899. |
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