Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. subsp. rockii S. G. Haw & L. A. Lauener
Edinburgh Jour Botany 47(3):273-281 (1990)
type: [tree peony] [species] [synonym]
accepted name (2005): |
P. rockii (Haw & Lauener) Hong T. & J.J.Li |
1990 |
original description: |
P. suffruticosa Andr. subsp. rockii S. G. Haw & L. A. Lauener, subsp. nov. P. suffruticosa sensu Stern, Stud. Gen. Paeonia 40 (1946), p.p. et sensu Fang Wenpei, Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 7(4): 302 (1958), p.p.; P. suffruticosa Andr. var. papaveracea sensu K. Y. Pan, Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 27:45 (1979), non Kerner; P. suffruticosa Andr. 'Rock's Variety' ('Joseph Rock') hort. Type: China, Kansu [Gansu], 'probably near Wutu [Wudu], (Farrer's Chieh Jo)', [probably iv 1914], Farrer (no. 8?) (holo. E). A typo et subsp. spontanea differt foliis triternatis vel 2-3-pinnatis, foliolis (11-)19-31, ovatis, anguste ovatis vel lanceolatis, acutis, integris aut interdum 2-4-lobatis, floribus grandissimis, simplicibus, petalis c.10, albis, basi atropurpureo-maculatis, disco carpella vaginanti albido, filamentis basi purpureis, apicem versus albidis. Leaves ± tritemate or 2-3-pinnate, always with more than 9 leaflets (usually 19-31, rarely as few as 11), leaflets ovate, narrowly ovate or lanceolate, acute, usually entire or sometimes 2-4-lobcd (Fig. la). Flowers very large, single, with about 10 white petals blotched with deep purple at the base, the disc sheathing the carpels whitish and the filaments purple only near the base, whitish towards the tip. CHINA: -------- Cultivated in Gansu and Qinghai, and introduced to gardens in Europe and America by way of seed collected by Joseph Rock from plants growing in the garden of a lamasery at Choni [Jone], southern Gansu [v. Stern (1946), Stern (1959); there is a photograph of the plants from which Rock collected the seed and another of a plant grown from Rock's seed flowering in Stern's garden at Highdown illustrating Stern (1939)]. |
1999 |
Hong, D.-Y. & Pan, K.-Y. 1999. A revision of the Paeonia suffruticosa complex (Paeoniaceae). -Nordic Journal of Botany 19: 289-299. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107-055X. |
5. Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener) T. Hong et J. J. Li Bull. Bot. Res. 12(3): 227. Fig. 4. 1992; D. Y. Hong in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 37: 1998. P. suffruticosa Andrews subsp. rockii S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener in Edinb. J. Bot. 47(3): 279. Fig. l a (p.276). 1990. - Type: China, Kansu (Gansu), "probably near Wutu (Wudu), (Farrer's Chieh Jo)", Farrer no 8(?) (E, photo PE!). P. papaveracea auct. non Andrews: Anonymous, Icon. Cormophyt. Sin. l: 652. Fig. 1303. 1972. P. suffruticosa Andr. var. papaveracea auct. non. Andrews: K. Y. Pan in Wang, W. T. (ed.): Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 27: 45. pl. 3(p.43). 1979. P. suffruticosa auct. non Andrews: Stern, Stud. Gen. Paeonia, 40. 1946, p. p.; Fang, in Acta Phytotax Sin. 7(4): 313. 1958, p.p. P. moutan Sims subsp. atava Brühl in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 5(2): 114. pl. 126. 1896, syn. nov. -Type: Tibet (Xizang), Chumbi, Tuk Chang, 1884, 06, King's Collector 549 (K). P. suffruticosa Andr. subsp. atava (Brühl) S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener, in Edinb. J. Bot. 47(3): 280. 1990. syn.nov. P. suffruticosa Andrews, "Rock's Variety' ('Joseph Rock') hort. This species is characterized by leaves tri- (or bi-) pinnate; leaflets usually 1933, very rarely less than 19; filaments yellow; floral disc yellowish white; Stigmata yellow and petals white but with a dark purple blotch at the base. Thus, the species differs distinctiy from the other four in the complex. And its flowers are the largest in the whole genus. D.-Y. Hong (1997a) has described bis searching for P. moutan subsp. atava in its type locality, Yadong, S. Tibet, in 1996 with failure, and explained his consideration that so-called "atava" was actually "P. rockii" introduced by lamas. 1t is relatively widely distributed in four provinces, Gansu, Shaanxi, Henan and Hubei (Fig.8). Two subspecies can be recognized. |
1999 |
HONG De-Yuan & PAN Kai-Yu Taxonomical history and revision of Paeonia sect. Moutan (Paeoniaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 37(4):351-368(1999) Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener ) T. Hong et J. J. Li |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |