Paeonia rockii ssp. taibaishanica Hong, D.-Y. & Pan, K.-Y. 1999.

A revision of the Paeonia suffruticosa complex (Paeoniaceae). -

Nordic Journal of Botany 19: 289-299. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107-055X.

type: [tree peony] – [species] – [synonym]

accepted name (2005):

Hong Tao, Gian Lupo Osti

Study on the chinese wild woody peonies (II) New Taxa of Paeonia L. Sect. Moutan DC.

Bulletin of Botanical Research, Harbin, 1994 vol.14 No.3 pp.237-239

Hong Tao, Gian Lupo Osti

Study on the chinese wild woody peonies (II) New Taxa of Paeonia L. Sect. Moutan DC.

Bulletin of Botanical Research, Harbin, 1994 vol.14 No.3 pp.237-239

Hong :(Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091).Osti (International Dendrology Society, Roma 00197).

Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw & L. A. Lauener) T. Hong et J. J. Li

subsp. linyanshanii T. Hong et G. L. Osti, subsp. nov.

Subspecies insignis, a Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw & L. A. Lauener T. Hong et J. J. Li subsp. rockii differt foliolis lanceolatis vel anguste ovatis, integris.

Frutex deciduus, circa 2m altus, cortice brunneolo, striato basi surculo praeditus; folia bipinnata, foliolis lanceolatis vel anguste ovatis, 2 -8.5cm longis. 1 - 3cm latis, apice acuminatis, basi cunealis vel rotundatis, integris, supra glabris, subtus secus nervo medio hirsutis prope bain comosis, foliolis lateralibus subsessilibus vel petiolulatis, petiolulis 1-5mm longis hirsutis vel comosis. Flores solilarii, terminales, 13-14cm diam.; sepala 7, triangulo-ovata vcl ovato-rotundata, 13-14cm diam.; sepala 7, triangulo-ovata vel ovato-rotundata, 1-5cm longa, 1.8-4.5cm lata, petala 10-11, longe-ovovata vel obovato -rotundata, 6.5 -9cm longa, 4-8.5cm lata, alba, basi purpureo –nigro -maculata; stamina numerosa, antheris flavis, filamentis albis; discus albus, carpella 5, stigmatibus albis. Folliculi 5; 3.5 -4cm longi, dense brunneo-griseo hirsuti. Semina nitida, nigra, glabra. Florescentia fine Aprilis ad initium Maji.

Gansu: Wenxian, Baimahegou, alt. 1570m, wild, 28 April, 1993, Zhang Qi-rong 19930428 (Hololypus, Chinese Academy of Forestry).

Hubei: Baokan, Dashui, alt. 1600m, wild, 28 September, 1993, Hong Tao et Dai Zhen-lun 19930928 (CAP). Guanshan Forestry Center, alt. 800m, cultivated, 28 April 1994, Hong Tao 19940428.

Paeonia spontanea (Rehder) T. Hong et W. Z. Zhao, stat. nov.

Syn.: P. suffruticosa Andr. var. spontanea Rehder in J. Am. Arb. 1:193. 1920; Stern,

stud. Gen. Paeonia 43. 1946; K. Y. Pan, Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 27:45.1979 P. suffruticosa Andr. subsp. spontanea (Rehder) S. G. Haw & L. A. Lauener in Edinb. J. Bot. 47(3): 278-279. 1990

P. jishanensis T. Hong et W. Z. Zhao in Bull. of Bot. Res. 12(3):225-226. 1992, Syn.nov.


The present paper proposes 1 new subspecies and 1 new status of Chinese wild tree peony.

Lin's Peony, the new subspecies differs from Paeonia rockii in its lanceolate or narrow ovate and unlobed leaflets.

Jishan Peony is a very good wild species, from which originating a series of cultivars. So, the author raised Haw's subspecies to species grade, Paeonia spontanea (Rehder) T. Hong et W. F. Zhao stat. nov.

Key words Paeonia; Sect. Moutan: P. rockii subsp. linyanshanii; P. spontanea


Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw e L. A. Lauener) Hong e Li, in «Bulletin of Botanical Research of Northeastern Forestry Institute», 12 (3), 1992; è la peonia di Joseph Rock, ben conosciuta nei giardini inglesi da tempo come «Rock's variety». È una peonia diffusa sulle montagne cinesi m condizioni climatiche anche molto diverse fra loro sia come temperatura che piovosità, dal Gansu, in situazione pressoché desertica al Tai Bai Shan nello Shanxi e all'Hubei centrale con precipitazioni più che abbondanti. Questa peonia ha le foglie bi- o tripennate, con 190 fino a 40 foglioline. Se ne possono notare due sottospecie: con foglioline prevalentemente intere, usualmente lanceolate (ssp. linyanshanii) oppure con foglioline prevalentemente lobate e ovate (ssp. rockii). La prima io l'ho vista in natura nell'Hubei, la seconda sul Tai Bai Shan.

HONG De-Yuan

Paeonia rockii and its one new Subspecies from Mt. Taibai, Shaanxi of China

Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 36(6):538-543(1998)

HONG De-Yuan

Paeonia rockii and its one new Subspecies from Mt. Taibai, Shaanxi of China

Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 36(6):538-543(1998) [available online as pdf.file here]

(Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093)

The field work was supported by the National Geographic Society( Grant 5515-95). 1998-02-08 , 1998-03-26

(1) Paeonia rockii

(1a)Paeonia rockii subsp. rockii

(1b) Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica Hong, subsp. nov.

Fig1 Fig2

Abstract The history of exploration and classification of Paeonia rockii is reviewed in the present paper. Two allopatric subspecies in this species are recognized. The new subspecies, subsp. taibaishanica Hong, found on northern slope of the Qingling Range has leaflets ovate or rounded, totally or mostly lobed. P. rockii subsp. linyanshanii T. Hong et G. L. Osti is found to be a superfluous name of P. rockii subsp. rockii.

Keywords Paeonia rockii; P. rockii subsp. taibaishanica; Classification; Distribution

(1) Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener) T. Hong et G. L. Osti in Bull. Bot. Res. 12(3): 227. Fig.4. 1992.

Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews subsp. rockii S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener in Edinb. J. Bot. 47(3): 279. Fig. la(p. 276). 1990. TYPE: Kansu (Gansu), Probably near Wu-tu (Wudu). Farrer no 8 (holotype. E; photo, PE! )

As a member of the P. suffruticosa complex, P. rockii is similar to the other species in the complex in having 5 (very occasionally 6) carpels which are entirely enveloped by floral disc at anthesis. The species is characterized by tri-(or bi-) pinnate leaves, well developed leaves(the first 1~3 from base) with (17) 19~33 leaflets, yellow filaments, yellowish floral disc and stigmata, and white petals with a dark purple blotch at the base. All the other three species in the complex, P. suffruticosa, P. ostii and P. qiui, have purple-red filaments, purple floral disc and red stigmata. A leaf in P. ostii, though bipinnate, has 15 leaflets as the highest number and thus differs from that in P. rockii; petals in P. qiui also often have a blotch at the base, but the bloth is pink-red, rather than dark purple.

Fig. 1 The holotype of Paeonia suffrutciosa Andrews subsp. rockii S. G. Haw ct L. A. Lauener (Gansu. probably near Wudu, Farrer no 8. E)

Key to subspecies:

1a. Leaflets lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, totally or mostly entire

subsp. rockii

1b. Leaflets ovate to ovate-rounded, totally or mostly lobed

subsp. taibaishanica Hong

(1a) Paeonia rockii subsp. rockii

Paeonia rockii subsp. linyanshanii T. Hong et G. L. Osti in Bull. Bot. Res. 14(3): 237. Fig. 1 & 2. 1994, syn. nov. TYPE: Gansu, Wenxian, Baimahegou, alt. 1570 m, 1993-04-27, Q. R. Zhang, 19930428 (CAP)

Paeonia papaveracea auct. not. Andrews: anonymous. Icon. Cormophyt. Sin. 1: 652. Fig. 1303. 1972.

P. suffruticosa var. papaveracea auct. non Andrews: K. Y. Pan, in Wang, W. T. (ed.): Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 27:45, pi. 3(p.43). 1979.

This subspecies has leaflets lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, totally or mostly entire.

Gansu, Zhugqu, Taozhou Forest Farm , on edges of Pinus armendii forests, alt. 2800 m, 1959-05-22, S. Jiang and T. L. Chin 423 (PE); no precise locality, Y. L. Pei, 9116 (PE);

Wudu, Lanshan, alt. 2500 m, 1930-06-21, K. S. Hao501 (PE);

Wenxian, no precise locality, Y. L. Pei 9115 (PE);

Mt. Zilong, Shihuigou, 1956-05-14, Yellow River Exped. 3698 (PE).

Shannxi: Lueyang, Baishuijiang Town, Siping Village, Y. L. Pei 9140 (PE).

Henan: Songxian, MuzhijieTownship, Mt. Yangshan, Yangjiaohao, W. slope, limestone, in Ulmus forest, alt. 1450m, 1994-05-02, D. Y. Hong and Y. Z. Ye, 94003 (PE);

eodem loc., Daxigou, under limestone rock. 1994-05-02, S. Y. Wang and Y. Z. Wang 94002 (PE);

Xisangou, alt. 1080 m. 1994-05-07, H. Y. Jiai 023(PE) and 024 (PE);

Neixiang, Baotianman, Muzhuliu Village, Mudanduo, alt. 1100m. 1997-04-30, D. Y. Hong, Y. Z. Ye and Y. X. Feng H97015 (PE, MO);

eodem loc, Muzhuliu Village, in cultivation, 1997-04-30, D. Y. Hong, Y. Z. Ye and Y. X. Feng H97016(PE, A, CAS, K. MO. S).

Hubei . Shennongjia, Songbai , alt. 1900m, 1988-05-06, J. Z. Qiu B88027(PE), PB88028 (PE) and PB88029 (PE);

eodem loc., alt. 2000 m, 1988-05-06, J. Z. Qiu PB88030 (PE);

eodem loc. alt. 2100 m. 1988-05-06, J. Z. Qiu PB8803 (PE) and PB88032 (PE);

eodem loc., alt. 1900m, 1988-05-20, J. Z. Qiu PB88033 (PE);

eodem loc., alt. 1600m, 1988-05-20. J. Z. Qiu PB88035 (PE);

Songbai, Shantunya, 1988-05, J. Z. Qiu PB8860 (PE);

Songbai, shady slope, in forests, alt. 1400-1800m, 1986-05-18, T. Chen and L. M. Ma PB86008 (PE) & PB86075(PE);

Baokang, Houping Town, Hongjiayuan Village , in front of Mr. Su'shouse, in cultivation, 1997-05-02, D. Y. Hong, Y. Z. Ye and Y. X. Feng H97024 (PE);

Houping Town, Zhanjiapo Village, in deciduous forest, on limestone rocks, alt. 1360 m, 1997-05-05, D. Y. Hong and Y. X. Feng H9705 (PE, A, CAS, K, MO, S).

(1b) Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica Hong, subsp. nov. TYPE: Shaanxi, Mt. Taibai, Shangbaiyun, alt. 1750m, in forest, on cliff, 1985-05-24, D. Y. Hong and X. Y. Zhu PB85061(holotype, PE). Fig.2

Fig.2 A leaf of Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica Hong (drawn by Miss Hong L. on Hong, D. Y. and Zhu, X. Y. PB85061. the holotype)

Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews var. spontanea Rehder in J. Arn. Arb. 1. 193. 1920, p. p. quaod specim. Mt. Taibai.

A subspecie typica foliolis ovatis vel orbicularibus, plerumque lobatis differt.

This subspecies differs from the typical one in leaflets ovate or rounded and mostly or totally lobed. Geographically they are allopatric or almost so.

Haw and Lauener's (1990) „rockii“ seems to include two subspecies. Their Fig. 1a may be based on J. Rock's specimen (Rock's Variety) from a lamasery at "Choni" (Jone) in Gansu and is apparently different from the type. "Rock's Variety" is very similar to the specimens from Mt. Taibai and belongs to the new subspecies. I suppose that "Rock's Variety" was brought by monks from a lamasery or a temple in Mt. Taibai in Shaanxi to Jone in Gansu.

Shannxi: Mt. Taibai, 1985-10-13, X. Y. Zhu and Z. H. Wu PB85086 (PE);

eodemloc., Dadian Lamasery, alt. 2300m, in cultivation, 1985-05-24, D. Y. Hong and X. Y. Zhu, PB85066(PE);

eodemloc.. Shangbaiyun , in front of the temple, alt. 1820 m, in cultivation, 1997-05-08, D. Y. Hong, Y. Z. Ye and Y. X. Feng, H97058(PE, A, CAS, K, MO, S);

eodemloc., Heihuguan, among bushes, 1939-05-05, K. T. Fu 2584 (PE);

Mt. Taibai, Purdom, s. n (A! syntypes of P. suffruticosa var. spontanea Rehder);

Longxian, Y. L. Pei 916001(PE).

Gansu: Tianshui, Baiyanglin, Z. W. Zhang 13(PE).


We would like to thank Profs. S. Y. Wang, Y. Z. Ye,K. Y. Pan, and Dr. Y. Z. Wang and Miss Y. X. Feng for their assistance in the field work.

Literatur cited

(1-4 in chinese).

FarrerRJ, 1914. Exploration in China, 2. In: Kansu Gard Chron, ser. 3, 56: 213

Haw S G, Lauener L A, 1990. A review of the infraspecific taxa of Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews. Edinb J Bot. 47(3): 273-281

Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999: A revision of Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews complex( Paeoniaceae). Nord J Bot, 19(1) (in press)

Stern F C, 1946. A Study of the Genus Paeonia. London; Royal Hort Soc

07f00">ss Y. X. Feng for their assistance in the field work.

Literatur cited

(1-4 in chinese).

FarrerRJ, 1914. Exploration in China, 2. In: Kansu Gard Chron, ser. 3, 56: 213

Haw S G, Lauener L A, 1990. A review of the infraspecific taxa of Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews. Edinb J Bot. 47(3): 273-281

Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999: A revision of Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews complex( Paeoniaceae). Nord J Bot, 19(1) (in press)

Stern F C, 1946. A Study of the Genus Paeonia. London; Royal Hort Soc

De-yuan Hong & Kai-yu Pan

A revision of the Paeonia suffruticosa complex (Paeoniaceae)

Hong, D.-Y. & Pan, K.-Y. 1999. A revision of the Paeonia suffruticosa complex (Paeoniaceae). -Nordic Journal of Botany 19: 289-299. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107-055X.



Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener) T. Hong et J. J. Li


Paeonia rockii subsp. rockii


Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica Hong

5. Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener) T. Hong et J. J. Li top

Bull. Bot. Res. 12(3): 227. Fig. 4. 1992; D. Y. Hong in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 37: 1998.

P. suffruticosa Andrews subsp. rockii S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener in Edinb. J. Bot. 47(3): 279. Fig. l a (p.276). 1990. - Type: China, Kansu (Gansu), "probably near Wutu (Wudu), (Farrer's Chieh Jo)", Farrer no 8(?) (E, photo PE!).

P. papaveracea auct. non Andrews: Anonymous, Icon. Cormophyt. Sin. l: 652. Fig. 1303. 1972.

P. suffruticosa Andr. var. papaveracea auct. non. Andrews: K. Y. Pan in Wang, W. T. (ed.): Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 27: 45. pl. 3(p.43). 1979.

P. suffruticosa auct. non Andrews: Stern, Stud. Gen. Paeonia, 40. 1946, p. p.; Fang, in Acta Phytotax Sin. 7(4): 313. 1958, p.p.

P. moutan Sims subsp. atava Brühl in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 5(2): 114. pl. 126. 1896, syn. nov. -Type: Tibet (Xizang), Chumbi, Tuk Chang, 1884, 06, King's Collector 549 (K).

P. suffruticosa Andr. subsp. atava (Brühl) S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener, in Edinb. J. Bot. 47(3): 280. 1990. syn.nov.

P. suffruticosa Andrews, "Rock's Variety' ('Joseph Rock') hort.

This species is characterized by leaves tri- (or bi-) pinnate; leaflets usually 19-33, very rarely less than 19; filaments yellow; floral disc yellowish white; Stigmata yellow and petals white but with a dark purple blotch at the base. Thus, the species differs distinctly from the other four in the complex. And its flowers are the largest in the whole genus.

D.-Y. Hong (1997a) has described bis searching for P. moutan subsp. atava in its type locality, Yadong, S. Tibet, in 1996 with failure, and explained his consideration that so-called "atava" was actually "P. rockii" introduced by lamas.

It is relatively widely distributed in four provinces, Gansu, Shaanxi, Henan and Hubei (Fig.8). Two subspecies can be recognized.

5a. Paeonia rockii subsp. rockii top

Paeonia rockii subsp. linyanshanii T. Hong et G. L. Osti in Bull. Bot. Res. 14(3):237, Figs l & 2. 1994. -Type: Gansu, Wenxian, Baimahegou, alt. 1570 m, 1993,04,28, Zhang, Q. R. 19930428 (CAF).

This subspecies (Fig. 5; Plate 7) is relatively widely distributed and usually grows in deciduous forests at an altitude of 1100-2800 m .

Specimens examined. Gansu, Zhugqu, Taozhou Forest Farm, on edges of Pinus armendii forests, 2800 m alt. 1959,05,22, Jiang S. and Jin C. L. 423 (PE); no precise locality, Pei, Y.L. 9116 (PE); Wudu, Lanshan, 2500 m alt., 1930,06,21, Hao K. S. 501 (PE); Wenxian, no precise locality, Pei Y. L. 9115 (PE); Zhilong Shan, Shihuigou, 1956,05,14, Yellow River Exped. 3698 (PE).

Shaanxi, Lueyang, Baishuijiang Town, Siping Village, Pei, Y. L. 9140 (PE).

Henan: Songxian, Muzhijie Township, Mt. Yangshan, Yangjiaohao, W. slope, limestone, in Ulmus forest, 1450 m alt. 1994,05,02, Hong, D.Y. and Ye Y. Z. 94003 (PE); eodem loc. Daxigou, under limestone rock, 1994,05,02, Wang, S. Y. and Wang, Y. Z. 94002 (PE); Xisangou, 1080 m alt., 1994,05,07, Jia, H. Y. 023 (PE) and 024 (PE); Neixiang, Baotiaman Nature Reserve, Muzhuliu, Mudanduo, 1100 m alt. in secondary deciduous forest, 1997,04,30, Hong, Ye and Feng H97015 (PE, MO); eodem loc, Muzhuliu Village, in cultivation, 1997,04,30, Hong, Ye and Feng H97016 (PE, A, CAS,K, MO, S).

Hubei. Shennongjia, Songbai, 1900 m alt. 1988,05,06, Qiu, J.Z. PB88027 (PE), PB88028 (PE) and PB88029 (PE); eodem loc., 2000 m alt. 1988,05,06, Qiu, J. Z. PB88030 (PE); eodem loc. 2100 m alt.

1988,05,06, Qiu, S.Z. PB88031(PE) and PB88032 (PE); eodem loc. 1900 m alt. 1988,05,20, Qiu, S.Z. PB88033 (PE) ; eodem loc“ 1600 m alt. 1988,05,20, Qiu, J.Z. PB88035 (PE). Songbai, Shantunya, 1988,05 Qiu, J.Z. PB3601 (PE); Songbai, shady slope, in forests, 1400-1800 m alt. 1986,05,18, Chen, T. and Ma, L. M. PB86008 (PE) & PB86075 (PE); Baokang, Houping Town, Hongjiayuan Village, in front of Mr. SU Yuan-zhi's house, in cultivation, 1997,05,02, Hong, Ye and Feng H97024 (PE); Houping Town, Zhanjiapo Village, in deciuotis forest, on limestone rocks, 1360 m alt. 1997,05,05, Hong, Ye and Feng H97051( PE, A, CAS, K, MO, S).

5b. Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica Hong top

Acta Phytotax. Sin. 36: 1998. - Type: Shaanxi, Mt. Taibai, Shangbaiyun, 1750 m alt. in deciduous forest, on cliff, 1985,05,24, Hong, D. Y. and Zhu, X. Y. PB85061 (PE!).

The subspecies is clearly different from the typical one in having leaflets ovate or ovate-rounded, mostly or totally lobed (Fig. 6). According to our present knowledge, it is confined to northem slope of the Qingling Range (Fig. 8) and grows in deciduous forests at an altitude of 1300-2000 m.

Specimens examined. Shaanxi, Mt. Taibai, 1985,10,13, Zhu, X. Y. and Wu, Z. H. PB85086 (PE); eodem loc., Dadian Lamasery, 2300 m alt. in cultivation, 1985,05,24, Hong, D. Y. and Zhu, X. Y. PB85066(PE); eodem loc., Shangbaiyun, in front ofthe temple, 1820 m alt. in cultivation, 1997,05,08, Hong, Ye and Feng H97058 (PE, A, CAS, K, MO,. S); eodem loc., Heihukuan, among bushes, 1939,05,05, Fu, K. T. 2584 (PE); Longxian , Pei, Y. L. 916001 (PE). Gansu, Tianshui, Baiyangling, Zhang, Z. W. 13(PE).

Fig. 5. The second (from below) (the best developed) leaf of Paeonia rockii subsp. rockii.

6. The second (from below) (the best developed) leaf of Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica.

Fig. 7. Distribution map of: squares Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. yingpingmudan. - dots P. spontanea. - triangle P. qiui.

Fig. 8. Distribution map of Paeonia rockii: black dots subsp. rockii. - circles subsp. taibaishanica.

HONG De-Yuan & PAN Kai-Yu

Taxonomical history and revision of Paeonia sect. Moutan (Paeoniaceae)

Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 37(4):351-368(1999)

(Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093)


Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener ) T. Hong et J. J. Li

Paeonia rockii subsp. rockii

Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica D. Y. Hong...

pages [352][353][354][355][356][357][358][359][[360][361] in chinese only, help needed for translation

Key to species

1. Flowers usually 2 or 3, terminal and axillary, ± pendent; disc fleshy, enveloping only the base of carpels.


2. Carpels usually 2-5( -7) ; follicles <4 x 1.5 cm; petals, filaments and stigma often not purely yellow; plants less than 2 m tall 

7. P. delavayi Franch


2. Carpels nearly always single; follicles 4.7-7 x 2-3.3 cm; petals, filaments and stigma always yellow; plants 1.5-3.5 m tall

6. P. ludlowii (Stern et Taylor)D. Y. Hong

1. Flowers solitary, erect; disc leathery, enveloping completely carpels or half of them.


3. Disc enveloping half of carpels at anthesis; carpels 2-4(5), glabrous; leaves decomposite; leaflets(29) 33 - 63 in number, all lobed

6. P. decomposita Hand.-Man.


4. Carpels nearly always 5; leaflets narrow, terminal ones with length/width (1. 5) 1.7-2.7 (-3. 3); lobes narrow, terminal ones with length/width (1.6-)2.4-3.7(-4.3)

6a. subsp. decomposita


4. Carpels 2-5, usually 3 or 4; leaflets broader, terminal ones with length/width (1.0-) 1.2-1.8 (-2.2); lobes broader, terminal ones with length/width (1.0 -) 1.3-2.4 (-3.0)

6b. subsp. rotundiloba D. Y. Hong


3. Disc completely enveloping carpels at anthesis; carpels 5 (-7), densely tomentose; leaves biternate or bi- or tripinnate; leaflets usually less than 20 in number, if more at least some of them entire.


5. Leaves biternate; leaflets usually 9 in number.


6. Leaflets ovate or ovate-rounded, mostly entire, often reddish above; petals with a red spot at base

3 P. qiui YL. Pei et D. Y. Hong


6. Leaflets long-ovate, ovate or nearly rounded, green above; petals without spot.


7. Leaflets long-ovate or ovate, terminal leaflets deeply 3-lobed, with additional 1 to several lobes, lateral leaflets 2- or 3-lobed, some leaflets entire; lobes acute at apex; leaves glabrous on lower surface

1. P. suffruticosa Andrews


8. Flowers double, cultivated

1a. subsp. suffruticosa


8. Flowers single, wild

1b. subsp. yinpingmudan D. Y. Hong, K. Y. Pan et Z. X. Xie


7. Leaflets ovate-rounded to rounded, all deeply 3-lobed; lobes again lobed, acute to rounded at apex; leaves villose along veins on lower surface

2 P. jishanensis T. Hong et W. Z. Zhao


5. Best developed leaves pinnate; leaflets more than 9 in number, long-ovate to lanceolate, mostly entire, less frequently ovate-rounded, mostly lobed.


9. Leaves bipinnate; leaflets no more than 15 in number, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, mostly entire; petals white, without spot 

4. P. ostii T. Hong et J. X. Zhang


9. Leaves tri-(less bi-) pinnate; leaflets (17)19-33 in number, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, mostly entire, or ovate to ovate-rounded, mostly lobed

5. P. rockii (S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener) T. Hong et J. J. Li


10. Leaflets lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, mostly entire

5a. subsp. rockii


10. Leaflets ovate to ovate-lanceolate, mostly lobed

5b. subsp. taibaishanica D. Y. Hong

(5) .........

Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener ) T. Hong et J. J. Li in Bull. Bot. Res.(Harbin) 12(3): 227, fig. 4. 1992; D. Y. Hong in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 37(6); 539, fig. 1. 1998.

Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews subsp. rockii S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener in Edinb. J. Bot. 47(3): 279, fig. la. 1990. TYPE: China. Kansu(Gansu), "Probably near Wutu [ 364 ] (Wudu), (Farrer's Chieh Jo)", Farrer no 8(?)(holotype, E; photo, PE! )

Paeonia papaveracea auct. non. Andrews: Anonymous, Icon. Cormophyt. Sin. 1: 652, fig. 1303. 1972.

P. suffruticosa Andrews var. papaveracea auct. non. Andrews: K. Y. Pan in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 27: 45, pl. 3. 1979.

P. suffruticosa auct. non Andrews: Stern, Stud. Gen. Paeonia, 40. 1946, p. p. ; Fang in Acta Phytotax Sin. 7(4): 313. 1958, p. p.; Grierson et Long, Fl. Bhutan. Vol. 1. Part 2: 321. 1984.

P. moutan Sims subsp. atava Brühl in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 5(2): 114, pi. 126. 1896. TYPE: China. Tibet (Xizang), Chumbi, Tuk Chang, 1884-06, King's Collector 549(K).

P. suffruticosa Andrews, subsp. atava (Brühl) S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener in Edinb. J. Bot. 47(3): 280. 1990.

P. suffruticosa Andrews, "Rock's Variety" ("Joseph Rock") hort.


(5a) .............

Paeonia rockii subsp. rockii

Paeonia rockii subsp. linyanshanii T. Hong et G. L. Osti in Bull. Bot. Res. (Harbin) 14(3): 237, fig. 1 & 2. 1994. TYPE: China. Gansu, Wenxian, Baimahegou, alt. 1570m, 1993-04-28, Q. R. Zhang 19920428 (holotype, CAF, n.v.).

.............. 1100-2800 m ...........

(5b) ..............

Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica D. Y. Hong in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 36(3): 542, fig. 2. 1998. TYPE: China. Shaanxi, Mt. Taibai, Shangbaiyun, alt. 1750 m, in broad-leaved deciduous forest on cliff, 1985-05-24, D. Y. Hong and X. Y. Zhu PB8506 (holotype, PE!)


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Flora of China Vol. 6, 2001



Hong Deyuan1, Pan Kaiyu1; Nicholas J. Turland2

5. Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw & Lauener) T. Hong & J. J. Li in T. Hong & al., Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 12: 227. 1992.

zi ban mu dan

Shrubs to 1.8 m tall. Roots attenuate toward tip. Turions absent. Stems gray or gray-brown, peeling off in flakes. Proximal leaves 2- or 3-pinnate, with (17-) 19-33 leaflets; leaflets lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate and mostly entire, or ovate to ovate-orbicular and mostly lobed, 2-11 x 1.5-4.5 cm, abaxially villous along veins, adaxially glabrous, base truncate to cuneate, apex acute or acuminate. Flowers solitary, terminal, single, 13-19 cm wide. Bracts 3, leaflike. Sepals 3, green, ovate-orbicular, 3-4 x 2-3 cm, apex acute or caudate. Petals white with a large, dark purple spot at base. Filaments yellow; anthers yellow. Disc wholly enveloping carpels, pale yellow, leathery, apex dentate or lobed. Carpels 5(or 6), densely tomentose. Stigmas pale yellow. Follicles oblong, densely yellow tomentose. Fl. Apr-May, ft. Aug. 2n = 10*.

• Deciduous broad-leaved forests, forest margins, thickets, shady slopes, limestone rocks, sometimes cultivated; 1100-2800 m. S Gansu, W Henan, W Hubei, C and S Shaanxi.

1a. Leaflets lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, mostly entire

... 5a. subsp. rockii

1b. Leaflets ovate to ovate-orbicular, mostly lobed

.... 5b. subsp. taibaishanica

5a. Paeonia rockii subsp. rockii

zi ban mu dan (yuan ya zhong)

Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews subsp. rockii S. G. Haw & Lauener, Edinburgh J. Bot. 47: 279. 1990; P. moutan Sims subsp. atava Brühl; P. suffruticosa subsp. atava (Brühl) S. G. Haw & Lauener; P. rockii subsp. linyanshanii T. Hong & Osti.

Leaflets lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, mostly entire.

• Deciduous broad-leaved forests, Pinus armandii forest margins, thickets, shady slopes, limestone rocks, sometimes cultivated; 1100-2800 m. S Gansu, W Henan, W Hubei, S Shaanxi.

5b. Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica D. Y. Hong, Acta Phy-totax. Sin. 36: 542. 1998.

tai bai shan zi ban mu dan

Leaflets ovate to ovate-orbicular, mostly lobed.

• Deciduous broad-leaved forests, forest margins; 1300-2000 m. S Gansu, C Shaanxi (N slopes of Qin Ling).


Tree Peonies

A Review of their History and Taxonomy

The New Plantsman, 2001 8 (3) :156-171)

4. Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw & L. A. Lauener) T. Hong & J. J. Li ex D. Y. Hong, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 36 (6): 539 (1998). Typus: China, Kansu [Gansul, 'probably near Wutu [Wudul, (Farrer's Chieh Jo)', [probably iv 19141, Farrer (no. 8?) (holotype E).

P. rockii T. Hong & J. J. Li, Bull. Bot. Res. (Harbin) 12 (3): 227, fig. 4 (1992), nom. inval. (lacking exact page reference of basionym); P. suffruticosa subsp. rockii S. G. Haw & L. A. Lauener, Edinb. Journ. Bot. 47 (3): 279, fig. la (1990); P. suffruticosa sensu Stern, Stud. Gen. Paeonia 40 (1946), p. p. & sensu Fang Wenpei, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 7 (4): 313 (1958), p. p.; P. papaveracea sensu Anon., Icon. Cormophyt. Sin. 1: 652, fig. 1303 (1972); P. suffruticosa var. papaveracea sensu K. Y. Pan, Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 27: 45, pl. 3 (1979), non Kerner; P. suffruticosa 'Rock's Variety' ('Joseph Rock') hort.

DESCRIPTION. Shrub to about 2 m tall. Leaves more or less triternate or 2-3-pinnate, with 19-33 leaflets, rarely less than 19 but always more than 15. Flowers very large (15-20 cm diam.), single; petals white, sometimes flushed with pink, with a conspicuous deep purple basal blotch, disc whitish.


Leaflets lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, often entire or sometimes 2-3-lobed:

4a. P. rockii subsp. rockii

Leaflets ovate to suborbicular. mostly 2-5-lobed:

4b. P. rockii subsp. taibaishanica

4a) P. rockii subsp. rockii

P. rockii subsp. lin.yanshanii T. Hong & G. L. Osti, Bull. Bot. Res. (Harbin) 14 (3): 237, fig. 1 & 2 (1994); P. suffruticosa subsp. rockii S. G. Haw & L. A. Lauener var. linyanshanii (T. Hong & G. L. Osti) J. J. Halda, Acta Mus. Richnov., Sect. Nat., 4 (2): 30 (1997).

DESCRIPTION. Leaflets lanceolate or ovate- lanceolate, entire or sometimes 2-3-lobed.

DISTRIBUTION. Southern Gansu, southern Shaanxi (on the southern slopes of the Qinling Mountains), Henan (Funiu Mountains) and 1 western Hubei.

4b) P. rockii subsp. taibaishanica D. Y. Hong. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 36 (6): 542, fig. 2 (1998). Typus: China, Shaanxi, Mt Taibai, Shangbaiyun, alt. 1750 m., in broad-leaved deciduous forest on cliff, 24 v 1985, D. Y Hong & X. Y Au PB85061 (holotype, PE n.v.).

DESCRIPTION. Leaflets ovate to suborbicular, mostly 2-5-lobed.

DISTRIBUTION. Found only on the northern slopes of the Qinling Mountains in southern Shaanxi and Gansu. Reported to have been common on Mt Taibai in the 1960s, but now scarce.

Doubtful taxon

Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. atava (Brühl) S. G. Haw & L. A. Lauener, Edinb. Journ. Bot. 47 (3): 280 (1990). Typus: Tibet, Chumbi, Tuk Chang, vi 1884, King's collector 549 (holotype, K).

P. moutan subsp. atava Brühl, Arm. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calc. 5 (2): 114, t. 126 (1896).

All the comments on this subspecies in Haw and Lauener (1990) still hold good. D. Y. Hong (1997) reports finding no tree peonies in the Chumbi area and suggests that this taxon should be identified with P. rockii, which is cultivated in Tibet. However, examination of the type specimen shows this to be highly unlikely. The flower of the specimen is small and has unblotched petals, quite unlike those of P. rockii. Moreover, the collection location is uncertain and may in fact not have been in the Chumbi valley. P. rockii and cultivars derived from it (some possibly hybrids with other tree peonies) are also cultivated in Bhutan and the specimen may actually have been collected in western Bhutan. While it is indeed likely that this specimen was collected from a cultivated plant, or one that had escaped from cultivation, there can be no certainty of this. As the available material is rather poor and information about its collection location unreliable, it is unfortunately impossible to resolve the uncertainty about this taxon.

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