Paeonia 'Georgiana Shaylor'
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies] GEORGIANA SHAYLOR. (Shaylor, 1908.) 8.9. Double type; very large; late midseason. Light rose-pink, paler on backs of petals, vivid crimson marks on a ring of short petals around center; fragrance sweet but not strong. Medium height; floriferous; good stems and foliage. Unusually broad petals of heavy texture and uneven length but well placed. Generally considered exceptionally good for both garden decoration and cutting. "Considered by Mr. Shaylor one of his best originations."Christman. "Worthy of higher rating."Fewkes. "A wonderful show variety."Brand. "I should call it dwarf to medium rather than medium height."Thurlow. "A great exhibition flower."Boyd. |
GEORGIANA SHAYLOR (Shaylor, 1908) - Double - Pink - Midseason. Medium height. Sweet but strong fragrance. Very large. Light rose-pink, paler on backs of petals, vivid crimson marks on a ring of short petals around center. Floriferous; good stems and foliage. Unusually broad petals of heavy texture and uneven length but well placed. Generally considered exceptionally good for both garden decoration and cutting. M. |
Georgia Shaylor, [ P. sinensis c) Gefüllt und halbgefüllt blühende Pracht-Pfingstrosen 1. Grundton rosa] rein nelkenrosa, mfr. |
GEORGIANA SHAYLOR Late midseason. A large, light rose-pink, splashed with crimson. Pleasing fragrance. |
Georgiana Shaylor* (Shaylor 1908) ML. Full double, very large, light rose pink, sweet fragrance. Medium height, good performer, favorable for cutting or in the garden. |
GEORGIANA SHAYLOR (Shaylor, 1908). Une excellente variété haute, à parfum léger. Grande fleur bien double, d'un rosé tendre délicat qui s'éclaircit mais se maintient jusqu'à la fin. Recommandée. Mi-saison. H. 0,95 m. |
Georgiana Shaylor (Shaylor, 1908) Pink, double, late-midseason, very fragrant, 32" tall, lactiflora cultivar. A very large rose-type flower. Good for garden and as a cut flower. |
© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |