Paeonia flavescens C.Presl
Delic. Prag. 5 1822
type: [herbaceous peony] – [species] – [synonym]
accepted name (2005): |
P. mascula (L.) Mill. subsp. hellenica Tzanoud. |
Passalaqua & Bernardo 2004: |
Paeonia mascula Miller ssp. mascula var. russoi (Biv.) Passalaqua & Bernardo 2004 |
1946 |
Stern |
P.flavescens J. S. & C. B. Presl Delic. Prag. 5 (1822) ; G. B. Presl, Fl. Sic. 1, 27 (1826). species non satis notae A paeony growing in Sicily somewhat like P.mascula but with a few weak hairs on the back of the leaves was named by Presl" (1822) P.flavescens. There is some uncertainty about this plant which was said to have pale yellow petals. P.Russi is also found in Sicily but differs from P.flavescens by possessing ovate leaflets, which are more densely hairy below. It is curious how several paeonies found on the islands of the Mediterranean are not quite typical of their species—for instance, the form of P.mascula in Sicily looks very like P.Russi when examined as dried specimens, though possibly if a living plant were examined there would be little difficulty in distinguishing it. Again the paeonies from Cyprus here named P.arietina var. orientalis, suggest that they may be hybrids between P.mascula and P.arietina. |
1984 |
Stearn & Davis |
3c. P. mascula subsp. hellenica Plates 10, 11, 12; Figs 30, 31, 32 P. flavescens C. Presl in J.S. & C. Presl, Deliciae Prag. 5 (1822); C. Presl, Fl. Sicula 27 (1826). P. corallina var. flavescens (C. Presl) Gussone, Fl. Siculae Prodr. 2:28 (1828-1832), Fl. Siculae Syn. 2:26 (1844); Lojacono Pojero, Fl. Sicula 1:53 (1888). P. mascula var. flavescens (C. Presl) Gürke in Richter, Pl. Europ. 2:400 (1903). P. mascula subsp. hellenica Tzanoudakis, Cytotaxon. Study Paeonia in Greece, 36 (1977). P. mascula subsp. icarica Tzanoudakis, op. cit. 38 (1977). |
1995 |
Cullen & Heywood in Tutin: Flora Europaea |
(d) Subsp. hellenica Tzanoudakis, Kytt. Meleti Gen. Paeonia Ell. 36 (1977) (P. flavescens C. Presl): Leaves glabrous or pubescent beneath; lower leaves with 9—13 broadly ovate or elliptical leaflets. Flowers white. Filaments purplish. 2n = 20. S. & S.E. Greece. |
1998 |
Royal Botanical Garden Edingurgh |
Synonym |
Passalaqua & Bernardo 2004 |
Paeonia mascula Miller ssp. mascula var. russoi (Biv.) Passalaqua & Bernardo 2004 |
Passalaqua & Bernardo (2004) |
in The Genus Paeonia in Italy (2004) |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |