type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
EVENING STAR (Hans P. Sass, 1937) - Double - White - Late. Flowers large and perfectly formed. Color a rich, lively glowing white with occasionally a bloom showing crimson edging. Bulletin 69.
Bloom Period: Week 6 Fragrance:Good Side Buds:Occasional Comments:A beautiful peony originated by Hans Sass of Elkhorn, Nebraska. This is a classic white double peony. The flowers are completely transformed with no hint of pollen. The occasional thin red streak adds interest to the snow white flowers. © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
D W L) The Sass family were German immigrants who lived in Nebraska. All of the peonies that they named and introduced are of wonderful quality and are excellent varieties for your garden. This one is an attractive plant with glowing white flowers occasionally marked with red. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |