Paeonia 'Evelyn S. Pierce'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] – [lactiflora]

EVELYN (Vories, 1937) - Name changed to EVELYN S. PIERCE. Bulletin 44 and Bulletin 87, page 35. List in Bulletin 91.

EVELYN S. PIERCE (Vories, 1937) Formerly EVELYN. Double - Pink - Midseason. A unique flower of several rows of medium rose pink guard petals white at center and yellow at base. There are few if any stamens. The flower is a perfect cup. Stigmas pink. Bulletin 87, page 35. List in Bulletin 91.

EVELYN S. PIERCE (Vories 1937) - Double, mid-season. A unique flower of several rows of medium rose pink guard petals white at the center and yellow at the base. There are few if any stamens. The flower is a perfect cup. Stigmas pink. Formerly called just EVELYN.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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