type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
EARLYBIRD (Saunders, 1951) - Single - Red - VE - Hybrid. Sold as a strain. Among the first peonies to bloom. Handsome little plants with finely-cut foliage and an abundance of bright crimson flowers. Woodwardii x tenuifolia. List in Bulletin 129. |
Tenuifolia x Woodwardi Earlybird (1939) VE. A strain. Among the first peonies to bloom. Nice little plants with finely-cut foliage and bright crimson flowers. |
EARLY BIRD A single red flowered hybrid with finely cut foliage flowering at Labour Weekend, This is a fascinating plant lo watch as it appears in the early spring. The deep red of the foliage changes as it matures, and the foliage itself is finely cut - not unlike that of a carrot. This could easily be grown as a foliage plant alone, but then comes the finishing touch of nodding single red flowers. Red single, Early, 50cm |
EARLY BIRD Red single, Early, No staking. 50cm. Single red hybrid with interesting finely cut lacy foliage flowering at Labour Weekend. |
EARLYBIRD: A hybrid of the fern leaf peony and the charming Chinese species P. veitchii. Foliage finely divided, the flowers are very dark scarlet red single. 20" stems. Very early. |
(Songsparrow): Flower type: PeonySingle Size: 21" Bloom time: Early, Hybrid Hybridizer: A.P. Saunders Handsome, bright crimson single with finely cut olive foliage. Abundant flowrs on small plants and one of the first to bloom. |
(-20) Miss speedy ...with a very early blooming. I really love this peony with its little red simple flowers, a true red with a brilliant contrasting golden center. One of the first to emerge in the spring and to bloom. Compact plant of 50 cm with a finely divided foliage typical of its tenuifolia inheritage (tenuifolia X Woodwardii). I adore it! (-20) Une petite rapide à la floraison très hâtive. Jadore cette pivoine aux petites fleurs simples dun rouge vif et au centre détamines dorées. Parmi les premières à émerger du sol après la fonte des neiges et parmi les premières à fleurir. Pivoine compacte de 50 cm avec un beau feuillage finement découpé caractéristique des hybrides de Paeonia tenuifolia (tenuifolia X Woodwardii). Je ladore. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |