Paeonia 'Gieleana'
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
information from Karl Kristensen, Engkaebro 4 Stagstrup, DK-7752 Snedsted, Denmark on 29. Oct. 2005: |
In the year 2000 I got a large collection of paeonia from an old Gartner; PCO Nørgaard. Some of those peonies was old species and maybe it has been several years since they has been on the market, maybe that is why I cant find the description of Corrrana and Gieleana. I know that PCO got some peonies from Staudengärtnerei Gräfin von Zeppelin, Gärtnerisher Pflanzenbau and B. Ruys ( The Netherlands ). |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |