Paeonia 'Bing Hu Xian Yu'
type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [China central plains cultivar group]
origination: |
Team 9, Zhaolou, Heze in 1968. |
Bing Hu Xian Yu. Crown form. Flowers 15cm x 7cm, at first light pinkish white, later white faintly bluish (155-D); the outer petals 2-whorled, large, flat, suffused with purple at the base; the inner petals wrinkled, of a similar size, regular, with light purple streaks in petal centre; pistils small or slightly petaloid. Stalks fairly long, pliable, flowers lateral. Flowering midseason. Plant medium height, spreading. Branches relatively slender, pliable, curved. Leaves orbicular, medium, thick; leaflets ovate, the margins curved upwards, apex obtuse or acute. Growth medium, flowers many. Bred by Team 9, Zhaolou, Heze in 1968. |
Rivière (1995): |
'Bing Hu Xian Yu' Gefüllt. Blüte gefüllt rosaweiß, äußere Petale sehr groß, schalenförmig, Zentrum kugelig aus vielen kleinen gestreckten Petalen derselben Farbe. Alle Petalen sind an der Basis intensiv rosa getönt. |
english translation: |
Jade Tribute in Icy Pot |
peonyworld/ (suffr.) |
Bing Hu Xian Yu // Jade Tribute In Icy Pot Light pinkish white at first, later white faintly bluish, suffused with purple at the base. Crown form. Flowers size " 15cm x 7cm "; lateral; delightful fragrance. Plant medium height, spreading. Branches relatively slender, pliable, curved. Growth medium; flowers many. Blossoming midseason. (1968) |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |