type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
BRIDAL GOWN - Roy Klehm - Charles Klehm and Son Nursery, January 2, 1981. Parentage: Line bred Charles White seedlings; first bloomed 1957; seedling #90G. Double lactiflora, cute clean white bomb, compact and short which lends well to home gardens. No stamens or pollen. Has seeds, and fragrant. Good substance and stem strength with exceptional foliage, 30-inches, midseason. Four buds per stem. Plant patent applied for. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Bridal Gown' (Klehm, U.S.A., 1957) Bloemen wit naar binnen overlopend in crèmekleurig, gevuld, middelvroeg; bladeren groen, gaaf , hoogte 80 cm; bloemstengels stevig. Deze cultuurvariëteit heeft een goede habitus en wordt daarom gezien als een goede tuinpioen. |
BRIDAL GOWN Flower type: PeonyBomb Size: 30 Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Mid Hybridizer: Carl G. Klehm
Large, creamy white guard petals hold a neat fluffy white ball. This bomb center glows with yellow at its base. Medium-green foliage. Strong stems for cutting.
BRIDAL GOWN A most desirable bomb type pcony, both for picking, and in the garden. White, with just a hin! of cream in the heart. A florist's answer to her prayeis for a perfect double white peony. white, D-Mid season no staking, 60cm. BRIDAL GOWN White, Double, Mid season , Fragrant. 80cm. A sturdy stemmed double white with a hint of cream. Great for picking and also for the garden. |
Blooming time: Week 5 Fragrance: Faint Comments: A wider, looser double than Lancaster Imp but with no visible pollen. Lovely pure white flowers of the kind one never has enough of when it comes to cutting for the house. © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
'Bridal Gown (Klehm 1957) : flr. double, forme bombe blanche, parfumée, mi-saison |
offered 2007 © 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |