type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
APRICOT WHISPER (Roy G. Klehm) July 15, 1999 Single hybrid, bloomed in 1993. A very soft apricot. Base of blossom petal is more apricot/peach and lightens to outer edges. 7" bloom. Some of the petals ruffling. Prominent red stigmas. Good substance. No stamen, seeds or pollen. One bud per stem. 25" height, very early, vibrant bright green foliage, fragrant. |
APRICOT WHISPER Flower type: PeonySingle Size: 25'' tall Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Early, Hybrid Hybridizer: Roy G. Klehm
Soft apricot with prominent red stigmas. The inner base of blossom petals are deeper apricot-peach lightening to outer edges. Some petal ruffling and slightly fragrant. All three "Whispers" are P. Silver Dawn F3 progeny.
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |