type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
The origination and correct spelling of this peony is unclear, Dick Westland from Holland names it 'Evelina' and says it came from Poland, on a polish website (see below) Ulf Eliasson from Sweden found a similar peony named 'Ewelina' (which seems to me more accurate, if this is a polish breeding, named by a polish breeder, because this is the correct spelling of the name in Poland, and not 'Evelina'.) |
This picture is from the website: http://ogrody.agrosan.pl/peonie/peonie.html Hello, I am the author and if you want to use it in your database you have my permission. More information about the plents you can find on http://tabaza.sapijaszko.net Theoretically there is english and german language version but I am not sure if it works properly. Regards Rafal Wolski |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |