type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
origination: |
no [Bachmann] Geratal is a breeding of Klaus Bachmann (*1923) from Erfurt, who used plant material from Dr. Alexander Steffen after Dr. Steffen's dead. The plant is a cross between P. peregrina and P. lactiflora. It was introduced in the 1970' in West-Germany by the Klose Nursery (Lohfelden) under the name Alexander Steffen, but in East Germany under its correct name in commerce before this. [personal communication C.Burkhardt Feb. 2001] |
'Geratal' (Hybride) gekräuselt schalenförmig einfach großblumig / rosa durch Tönung von lebhaft purpurrot auf weiß / M Mai - E Mai / 60 cm |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |