type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
AERIE (Bigger, 1949) - Semi-double - White - Early Midseason. Height about 30". Cup shaped, very light pink to white. Flowers stay cup shaped very well. Very good substance and medium green foliage. (Bigger's 1955 list). Almost every flower has an eagle's nest of petals built up in the center with a collar of yellow stamens surrounding it. (Wild's 1955 catalog - date 1948) |
Aerie* (Bigger 1949) M, Semi-double; very light pink, passing white, yellow stamens surround a tuft of center petals. Medium short, stands well, excellent habit for the landscape. |
Originator: Bigger, 1949 Parentage: P. lactiflora Flower Form: Semi-double Staking: Depends upon location Height: 60-90 cm Bloom Period: Week 5 Fragrance: Faint Side Buds: Several Comments: A very pretty peony with semi-double flowers that pass from pale pink or blush to pure white. The pink phase is more pronounced and of longer duration if the weather is overcast. Bright sunny days quickly turn the flowers to white. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |