type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
ADONIS (Sass, 1930) - Double - Pink - Midseason to late - Tall. Large. Pink with yellow collar, strong stems. Formerly No. 32. (Wild catalog says Late midseason). Bulletin 43 |
Adonis (Sass, 1930) Pink, double, midseason, 36" tall, lactiflora. Large light pink flowers with a yellow collar on strong stems. One of the most beautifully colored of this type, pale pink petals appearing suffused throughout the yellow collar. |
(D P M) A superb peony that we bought several years ago from Mr. Myron Bigger. The flower is large and double with a tall center. The color is a wonderful mixture of pink and yellow. Excellent plant with very sturdy stems. A very attractive variety in limited supply. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |