type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
ELSA SASS (H. P. Sass, 1930) - Double - White - Late. Medium tall. A Gold Medal variety, very worthy of the distinction. Full double rather dwarf growing. A lovely white, veiled pink Stems stiff and strong, holding the beautiful bloom erect under all conditions. A true rose form with large petals throughout. Possesses a taxture like velvet and shows remarkable class. Bulletin 43. |
ELSA SASS Late, attractive creamy white, medium height plant, strong stems. Never disappointing. |
ELSA SASS (F)(L)(Sass) Huge velvety white double of perfect rose form; about 25 inches tall; APS Gold Medal winner; mild fragrance, |
ELSA SASS (Sass, 1930). Blanc très pur légèrement teinté saumon à l'éclosion. Fleur en coupe sur tiges extra-solides. Une des dernières en fleurs. Très tardive. H. 0,90 m. |
ELSA SASS White, Double, Late, Fragrant. 80cm. Pure white late flowering peony with incurved petals. ELSA SASS A pure white peony with incurved petals, and one which adds length to the season because of its late flowering. Much sought after. white, Double, Late, fragrant, 90cm |
Elsa Sass (Hans P. Sass 1930) L-VL. Full double; all white, large petals throughout, exhibition form. Short medium bush, strong stems. APS Gold Medal 1943. |
Bloom Period: Week 6 Fragrance: Faint Side Buds: Several per stem Comments: Winner of the 1943 Gold Medal for outstanding performance awarded by the American Peony Society. Produces numerous rose form double flowers with a pink cast on opening. The stems are strong (though staking is required) and the flowers pleasantly, albeit faintly, fragrant. © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
ELSA SASS, Sass (USA), 1930, Paeonia lactiflora, Full double, all white flowers. The large perfectly arranged flower petals create an utmost attractive rose-type flower. Plenty of sidebuds. Very dark leaflets on very strong stems form a short medium bush. A superb peony for landscaping. 'Elsa Sass' is the last white variety from our collection to flower and spreads a very pleasant fragrance. Awarded with the APS Gold Medal in 1943. ELSA SASS, Sass (USA), 1930, Paeonia lactiflora, Volledig gevuld en geheel wit. De perfect gerangschikte bloembladeren vormen een uiterst aantrekkelijke roosvorm. Zijknoppen ruim aanwezig. Zeer donkergroen gewas, stevige stelen en een geringe hoogte. Een ideale tuinpioen. Deze laatst bloeiende witte cultivar uit ons assortiment is bovendien erg lekker geurend. Bekroond met de APS Gold Medal in 1943. |
Elsa Sass (Sass, 1930) White, double, fragrant, late, 28" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Large, perfectly formed rose-type flowers with a texture like velvet. APS Gold Medal winner, 1943. Worth waiting for in the late bloom season! |
ELSA SASS:Rose form, pure white double peony has exceptionally beautiful flowers with velvety texture on a compact plant. It is a generous bloomer with strong, 25" stiff stems. Fragrant. Late |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |