Paeonia 'Bai yu'
type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [China central plains cultivar group]
origination: |
Classic variety. |
name in Luoyang*: |
Bai yu |
name in Heze*: |
Bai yu |
english : |
White jade |
italiano: |
Giada bianca |
Osti (1997) |
05. BAI YU, «Giada bianca». Fiore: doppio, tipo anemone, con numerosi petaloidi a cupola al centro della corolla, di colore bianco freddo, bei boccioli rotondi, epoca media. E una delle varietà bianche più apprezzate in Cina. Portamento: a cespuglio, che nel tempo si sviluppa molto in ampiezza. |
Bai Yu. Crown form. Flowers 16cm x 8cm, it first pinkish white, later white (155-D), the outer petals 2-whorled, flat, suffused with purple at the base; the liner petals smaller, soft, wrinkled, regular, crowded, some petaloid filaments bearing anthers are present; pistils smaller, or developed, petaloid, yellowish green coloured. Stalks slightly long, flowers lateral. Flowering midseason. Plant dwarf, partially spreading. branches slightly slender. Leaves orbicular, medium-sized, thick, sparse; leaflets ovate with some and shallow lobes, obtuse at the apex, upper surface rough, green, suffused with purple. Growth fairly vigorous; flowers many. Classic variety. |
(Chinese Mudan cultivated in Japan) Large size. A few stamens remain but the pistil is not fully developed. Midseason. |
Osti (1999) |
05. BAIYU "White Jade" This is one of the white varieties most appreciated in China. Flowers: cold white; double, anemone form, numerous dome - shaped petaloids at the centre of the corolla, buds rounded, mid - season flowering. Habit: bushy, increasing greatly in width. |
peonyworld/ (suffr.) |
Bai Yu // White Jade Pinkish white at first, later white, suffused with light purple at the base. Crown form. Flowers size " 16cm x 8cm "; lateral; dense fragrance. Plant dwarf, partially spreading. Branches slightly slender. Growth fairly vigorous; flowers many. Blossoming midseason. One of the most famous white varieties. Classic variety. |
Baiyu White with faint, Yellow, crown-shaped full flowers, lateral blooms round buds Spreading the best one of white - clone |
Bai Yu (PIVOINES ARBUSTIVES CHINOISES): flr. double blanche en bombe, pompon de petalodes |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |