type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [China central plains cultivar group]
origination: |
Classic variety. |
chinese name: |
translation: |
Twin Beauty , Senior and Junior Sisters Qiao, The two Qiao sisters [famous beauties] |
Übersetzung: |
Zwillings-Schönheit |
italiano: |
Bellezze Gemelle |
Er Qiao. Rose form. Flowers 16cm x 6cm ; flowers double coloured, with purplish red (61-C) and pink (38-D) on the same plant or on the same branch and flower; petals stiff, regular, dark purple basal blotches; stamens slightly petaloid; pistils 9-11, floral discs purple. Stalks long, stiff, flowers upright. Flowering midseason. Plant tall, erect. Branches fairly slender, stiff. Leaves orbicular, medium-sized, stiff, slightly sparse; leaflets ovate, acuminate at the apex; leaflets with numerous shallowly-cut lobes growing with pink flowers; the leaflets with a few deep-cut lobes growing with purplish red flowers; leaves with two shapes appearing on the branches which develop with the double coloured flowers. Growth vigorous, flowers many. Classic variety. |
There are 2 shades of pink on each blossom: one very pale, the other very dark, rose shaped, sometimes there is only one color of either shades of pink on a flower, flower size 6" with a delicate fragrance; yellowish green leaves go with pale pink, and green, with the other; if two shades on one blossom, the colors of the leaves correspond to their respective side of the shades of pink; plant height to 7 feet; a vigorous grower and free bloomer. |
Osti (1997) |
ER QUIAO, «Bellezze gemelle». Le gemelle Quiao, due famosi personaggi della storia e dei miti della Cina del periodo dei «tré regni» (220-280 d. C.), hanno dato il loro nome a una delle cultivar più note e ricercate, la cui caratteristica principale è che la stessa pianta produce fiori rossi e, più o meno parzialmente, bianchi. Precoce nella fioritura, con profumo leggero, stradoppio. |
Er Qiao |
Rivière (1995): |
'Er Quiao' "Zwei Farben" Gefüllt. Eine Chimäre, die gleichzeitig purpurne, rosafarbene und purpurrosa panaschierte Blüten trägt, was aber nicht jedes Jahr auftritt. Die Farben sind auch nicht regelmäßig verteilt. Außerordentlich originelle Pflanze. Foto Seite 76. |
Unopiú (1997) |
ErQiao , Zwillingsschönheit ;Doppelblume, purpurrot, frühe Blütezeit, langblühend |
Osti (1999) |
ER QUIAO "Twin Beauties" This is one of the best known cutlivars and is in great demand. It is named after the Qiao twins, two famous characters in Chinese history and mythology from the period of the Three Kingdoms (AD 220 - 280). It comes from Gansu, where all the peonies are derived from Paeonia rockii. Flowers: a characteristic of this cultivar is that it produces red and also partially white flowers, with very small dark red blotches at the base of the petals; fully double, slightly scented, early flowering. |
peonyworld/ (suffr.) |
Er Qiao // Senior and Junior Sisters Qiao Multi-colour, flowers double coloured, with purple red and pink on the same plant or on the same branch and flower; petals stiff, regular, dark purple basal blotches. Rose form. Flowers size '' 16cm x 6cm ''; upright; delicate fragrance. Plant tall, erect. Branches fairly slender, stiff. Growth vigorous; flowers many. Blossoming midseason. One of the most beautiful and rarest varieties. Classic variety. |
(Chinese Mudan cultivated in Japan) Variegated flowers do not appear every year and the variegation has no fixed form. Medium size. Midseason. Blooms held upright Narrow leaflets. Tall. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |