Paeonia 'Whitleyi Major' / 'The Bride' / 'Albiflora Grandiflora' / La Fiancée
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
Kommentar: Eine der ersten und ältesten einfachen Sorten, zuerst von Whitley beschrieben und dann immer wieder mit neuen Handelsnamen versehen eingeführt. So erklären sich die vielen verschiedenen Namen |
- Paeonia albiflora x whitleyi 110 "All
gardeners owe an infinite debt of gratitude to William Robinson -
founder of The Garden (1871-1927) and Flora and Sylva
(1903-05), and author of The English Flower Garden (1883,
etc.) and other works - who helped to break the tyranny of formal
bedding and, like Ruskin, drew attention to the beauties of the
wild garden. Among the artists whom he employed was Henry Moon,
who struck a new and personal, if not entirely healthy, note in
botanical illustration.
" (Blunt & Stearn). From
1880 Henry George Moons plant portraits dominated the pages
of The Garden, a popular horticultural publication.
Renowned for his lifelike paintings of orchids, Moon appealed to
Robinson because of his ability to sketch flowers in a graceful,
naturalistic style. The subtle colourings of his paintings and
simple arrangement of flowers were very unlike the more stylised
renderings that appeared in competitors publications. The
beautiful colour-plates were lithographed and printed by the
Belgian firm G. Severeyns and its successor J.L. Goffart, notable
for their craftmanship. |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Single Peonies, page 63 Albiflora, The Bride. See The Bride. Single Peonies, page 66 La Fiancée. See The Bride. The Bride. (Dessert, 1902.) 8.4 (Sym. 1921). Syn., La Fiancée White. *Whitleyi Major. 8.5 (Sym. 1921). Blush. |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: THE BRIDE. (Dessert, 1902.) 8.4. Single type; large; early. Pure white, saucer-like blooms with long petals rounded at the ends and a center of long yellow stamens and greenish carpels, white at base and tips. Medium height; very prolific; stems weak. Foliage large. One of the most popular white single peonies. It would be a better decorative plant if the stems were stronger. Conceded to be identical with La Fiancee. This was formerly catalogued as Albiflora, The Bride, but Albiflora is used now to designate the species only. |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: WHITLEYI MAJOR. (Origin unknown.) 8.5 Single type. Blush. No other information available. |
listed by: |
Whitleyi (Syns. Whitleyi major, The Bride, and alba grandiflora), opens blush-white quickly turning; pure white. Very large, in clusters. Needs staking. vff. Fragrant, which is unusual amongst singles. T.VEL. *single |
ALBIFLORA, The Bride (Dessert, 1902) Single Double - Pink - Midseason. White - Early. Syn. THE BRIDE & La Fiancée Since albiflora is now used to designate the species only, this peony is usually cataloged as THE BRIDE or La Fiancée . - Midseason. |
THE BRIDE (Dessert, 1902) Formerly ALBIFLORA, THE BRIDE. Syn. La Fiancée . Single - White -Early. Medium height. Large. Pure white, saucer-like blooms with long petals rounded at the ends and a center of long yellow stamens and greenish carpels, white at base and tips. Very prolific, stems weak. Foliage large. Conceded to be identical with La Fiancee. M. |
LA FIANCEE (Dessert, 1902) - Single - White. See THE BRIDE or ALBIFLORA, The Bride. Yellow stamens. M. |
WHITLEYI MAJOR (Origin unknown) - Single - White, or Blush - Midseason. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Whitleyi Major' (Lactiflora) ('The Bride') (1776 / Whitley, 1808) Bloemen wit tot crèmewit, enkel, middelvroeg tot laat; meeldraden oranjegeel, bladeren dof donkergroen; hoogte 85 cm; bloemstengels matig tot goed stevig; vertakking matig tot goed. Een goede witte, enkelbloemige cultivar, ondanks dat deze iets Botrytis gevoelig is. Een waardering met één ster leek door de vele positieve eigenschappen gerechtvaardigd. |
Rivière (1995): |
'The Bride' /Dessert & Méchin/1902 |
Rivière (1995): |
'Albiflora' /Dessert & Méchin/1902 |
Whitley major. [Paeonia albiflora Einfachblühende, europäische Sorten:] Sehr großblum. reinweiß |
plate 9 |
plate 38 |
LA FIANCEE (Dessert, 1902). Fleur simple, légère, blanc pur, aux pétales arrondis et à peine incurvés. Cur d'étamines assez longues dégageant bien le pistil. Très bonne végétation. Port ample et gracieux. Mi-saison. Hauteur : 70cm |
Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaed (THE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU) INDEX PLANTARUM : Paeonia 'The Bride' Dessert 1902 |
offered 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |