Paeonia 'Tamatebako'
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: TAMATE-BOKU. (Origin unknown.) 9.4. Japanese type; very large; midseason. Enormous, cupped petals of dark old-rose-pink; center composed of very long, thread-like stami-nodes yellow at the base, with rose-pink, flat, crinkled tips tinted bufF and yellow at the edges; downy pale green carpels with vivid pink line at the base and striking rose-red tips; faintly fragrant. Medium height; strong, pyramidal habit; fairly free-flowering; strong stems. Leathery leaves. Generally considered the finest Japanese peony. Superior to Tokio in greater size and richer quality of bloom. Mr. Franklin B. Mead, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., advises that a Japanese correspondent states the correct name of this variety is Tamate-boku although it has been known as Tomatbako "Blooms on every stem."Little. |
TAMATE-BOKU (Origin unknown) Formerly spelled TOMATBAKO. Jap. - Pink - Midseason. Medium height. Faintly fragrant. Very large. Enormous cupped petals of dark old-rose pink; center composed of very long, thread-like Staminodes yellow at the base, with rose-pink, flat, crinkled tips tinted buff and yellow at the edges; downy pale green carpels with vivid pink line at the base and striking rose-red tips; faintly fragrant. Pyramidal habit; free-flowering (Fairly); strong stems. Leathery'leaves. M. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Tamatebako' (Japan, vóór 1913) Japanse. Bloemen zuiveirroze met twee tot drie rijen tepalen; petaloïden zeer talrijk, aan de basis geel, overgaand in roze, aan de randen geel; hoogte 75 cm; bloemstengels stevig; vertakking zeer goed. Er was voor de keuringscommissie alle reden deze mooie cultivar positief te beoordelen. Botrytis werd tijdens de keuringen nauwelijks of niet waargenomen en ook de stevigheid van de plant is goed. De schrijfwijzen 'Tamatbako', 'Tamate boku' en 'Tomabako' zijn onjuist! |
Rivière (2000) |
Offered 2007 under the name 'Tamatbako' © 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |