Paeonia 'Satin Rouge'
type: [tree peony] [lutea hybrid]
'Satin Rouge' (Lemoine 1926). Enorm große Blüte mit knittrigen, rubinroten, blutrot getönten, orange melierten Petalen. Uppig und dicht belaubt, hellgrün. Foto Seite 58. |
Satin Rouge, superb ruby-red turning to brick red. Enormous fully double flowers, eight inches across. Very vigorous. |
Osti (1997) Osti (1999) |
SATIN ROUGE. Fiore doppio, molto grande (anche 20 cm di diametro) rosso rubino, con sfumature rosso sangue e arancione. Ottenuto da Lemoine nel 1926. SATIN ROUGE. Raised by Lemoine in 1926. Flowers: ruby red, blood red and orange tints; double, very large (even 20 cm or 8 in. in diameter). |
SATIN ROUGE (Lemoine, 1926). (Double). Fleur énorme atteignant 20 cm de diamètre, pétales chiffonnés rouge rubis nuancé rouge sang et mêlé de tons orangés. |
Satin Rouge. Lemoine. 1926. F1 lutea hybrid. Beautiful, large, heavy full double of rich reddish-coral tone that overlays a cream base. Flowers tend to hang downward and into the foliage like many of the old double French hybrids. Foliage is large, wide and of deep blue green. Side buds are produced. Easy and very fast grower. No fertility. Medium height mound formed plants. May have a different plant habit in warmer climates where stems are not damaged due to winter. Parentage unknown. |
'Satin Rouge' (Lemoine 1926) : belle et grande fl. double, pétales chiffonnés, rouge-rubis nuancé rouge profond et orangé |
Old-time French variety from 1926 with large double blooms of most unusual rouge-rose coloration over a golden petal base. Fragrant.