type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [China central plains cultivar group]
chinese name: |
english: |
Ruby |
italiano: |
Rubino |
Osti (1997) |
HONG BAO SHI, «Rubino». Fiore doppio, cremisi, a forma di rosa, portato su lunghi gambi eretti. Crescita robusta, fioritura tardiva. |
Osti (1999) |
HONG BAO SHI "Ruby" Flowers: crimson; double. rose form, on long erect stalks. late flowering. Habit: robust. |
Hong Bao Shi. Crimson, Rose-shaped; upward flowering with long stalks, narrow leaves, half-spreading sturdily growing. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |