type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [China central plains cultivar group]
chinese name: |
origination: |
Heze Flower Garden in 1982. |
Cao Zhou Hong. Hundred proliferate form. Flowers 17 cm x 9cm, red (50-B). Petals 6-7 whorled, stiff, flat, regular, suffused with light red, stamens a few, pistils developed, petaloid, greenish coloured in the lower flower. Petals relatively few, wrinkled; stamens small; pistils small. Stalks stiff, flowers upright. Flowering early. Plant medium height, partially spreading. Branches stout. Leaves orbicular, medium-sized, crowded, thick, stiff; leaflets broadly-ovate, acute at the apex. Growth vigorous; flowers many; tolerant of adverse conditions. Bred by Heze Flower Garden in 1982. |
english : |
Vigorous Red, Caozhou Red |
italiano: |
Rosso di Caozhou |
Osti (1997) |
09. CAO ZHOU HONG, «Rosso di Caozhou> Si riferisce alla località dello Shandong, un tempo così chiamata ma attualmente nota come Heze, dove ha luogo la grande mostra di peonie in competizione con Luoyang. Ha colore più chiaro della peonia che ha preso il nome da quest'ultima città, tendente al ciclamino e anche le foglie sono verde pisello. Fiore doppio, a forma di crisantemo. Epoca media, portamento vigoroso. |
Osti (1999) |
09. CAO ZHOU HONG "Caozhou Red" This refers to the old name of the city in Shandong that is now called Heze, where there is a great peony exhibition that competes with the one held in Luoyang. Flowers: red to purple, paler than "Luoyang Red"; double, chrysanthemum form, mid- season flowering. Leaves: pea green. Habit: vigorous. |
xinxin: (suffr.): |
Cao Zhou Hong |
NTSC (suffr.) |
Cao Zhou Hong (Caozhou Red) |
Heze Guohua Peony Research Institute |
Cao Zhou Hong ( Caozhou's Red) Early season, Red, Hundred proliferate form |
Cao Zhou Hong (PIVOINES ARBUSTIVES CHINOISES): flr. double rosé soutenu tirant vers le rouge éclaircissant au bord des pétales |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |