Paeonia 'Chi lin xia guan' / Fen zhong guan

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [China central plains cultivar group]

chinese name:


Wangcheng Park, Luoyang in 1969.

name in Luoyang*:

Chi lin xia guan

name in Heze*:

Fen zhong guan

* cross-references for the Luoyang/Heze names are from the english text insert of the booklet 'Zhongguomudan' Chinese tree peonies © Will McLewin 1996 Prepared by Phedar Nursery (England) Tel. 0 161 430 3 772 Chinese language consultant Caroline Mason 0191 384 4533

english translation:

Red fish-scales, rosy crown, Champion Pink, Shiny Decoration on lilac Crown

Chi Lin Xia Guan. Crown form or anemone form. Flowers 14cm x 5cm, pale purple faintly bluish (68-B), generally with lighter colour at the apex; the outer petals 2-whorled, ovate, purple basal blotches; the inner petals very small; pistils developed, petaloid, greenish coloured. Stalks stout, straight, pale purplish red. Flowering late. Plant tall, partially spreading. Branches relatively stout. Leaves orbicular, medium-sized; leaflets ovate, obtuse at the apex, the margins slightly curved upwards. Growth vigorous, flowers many. Bred by Wangcheng Park, Luoyang in 1969.

Golden Port International:

Pink, crown shaped, flower size 6" with a delicate fragrance; long and pointed leaves; plant height to 5 feet; a vigorous grower and free bloomer; a valued cultivar among pink tree peonies. (Golden Port International)

xinxin: (suffr.):

Fen Zhong Guan Fen Zhong Guan A magnificent crown form, mid-pink, fleshy flowers facing upwards, 16cmx6cm, delicate fragrance, round and big outer petals in 2-3 rolls, compact and curved inner petals, flowers freely in midseason, stiff branches, disease resistant, growth vigorous, 5-6ft. in mature, a famous one of pink varieties.

peonyworld/ (suffr.)

Fen Zhong Guan // Champion of Pink Flowers Pink, the outer petals large, suffused with pinkish red at the base; yellowish green petals in the center of the flower. Crown form. Flower size " 16cm x 9cm "; upright; delicate fragrance. Plant medium height, spreading. Branches fairly stiff. Growth vigorous; flowers many, neatform. Blossoming midseason. One of the most famous pink varieties. (1973)

Heze Guohua Peony Research Institute

Fen Zhong Guan ( VIP Rose) Mid season, Crown form, Pink Crown form. Flowers 16cm x 9cm, pink. Stalks short, stiff, flowers upright. Flowering midseason.
Plant medium height, spreading. Branches fairly stiff. Leaves long, medium-sized. Growth vigorous. Flowers many, neatform; tolerant of diseases. Well-known pink cultivar. Bred by Zhaolou Peony Garden, Heze in 1973

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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