Paeonia 'Hong ying ge' / 'Ba bao xiang'

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [China central plains cultivar group]


Classic variety.

Ba Bao Xiang. Lotus form . Flowers 13cm x 3cm, red (55-A); petals thin, soft, dark purple at the base; stamens normal; pistils normal, very fertile; floral discs purplish red. Stalks short, flowering among the leaves. Flowering midseason. Plant dwarf, partially spreading. Branches slender. Leaves long, small- sized, thick, sparse; leaflets long ovate, apex acuminate, the margins wavy upwards. Growth medium, flowers many. Classic variety.

name in Luoyang*:

Hong ying ge

english translation:

Red cherry chamber

name in Heze*:

Ba pao xiang/ Ba bao xiang

* cross-references for the Luoyang/Heze names are from the english text insert of the booklet 'Zhongguomudan' Chinese tree peonies © Will McLewin 1996 Prepared by Phedar Nursery (England)

english translation:

Mounted Gems, Chest of the Eight Treasures


Forziere degli otto tesori

Osti (1997)

01. BA BAO XIANG, «». Il nome fa riferimento agli otto immortali del taoismo, ognuno dei quali era portatore d'un tesoro. Fiore: semidoppio, a forma di loto, tardivo, delicatamente profumato; colore: rosa pesca, forte. Portamento: eretto, di media statura, raccolto. I rami sottili temono il vento e va posta in un sito riparato.

Osti (1999)

01. BA BAO XIANG "" The name refers to the eight immortals of Taoism, each of which was the bearer of a treasure. Flowers: bright peach pink; semi-double, lotus form, late flowering, delicately scented. Habit: erect, medium height, compact. The thin branches are prone to wind damage. Should be planted in a sheltered position.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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