Paeonia 'Red Satin'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] – [lactiflora]

RED SATIN (Sass, 1937) - Double - Red - Late Midseason. A true cerise. Flower full rose type, good stems, blooms freely and most dependable. Color very unusual in peonies. Bulletin 69.

Hans P Sass - Interstate Nurseries of Hamburg, Iowa. All introduced in the year 1937.

RED SATIN - Double, mid-season. A good satiny red. A white peony has sometimes been found under this name.

Red Satin (Sass, 1937) Red, double, midseason, 32" tall, hybrid. Think of the sheen of a deep red satin and this is it! The petals are very large and stand upright, making a striking statement.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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