Paeonia edulis var. potsii sub var. hybrida delachii
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
Ranunculaceae - Paeonia albiflora [?] - Paeonia edulis var. potsii sub var. hybrida delachii. From: Annales de la Société royale dAgriculture et de Botanique de Gand, Journal dhorticulture by Charles Morren (ed.). Gent, Local de la Société (Casino), etc., 1849, volume 5 (plate 265). Chromolithograph by Léon Bernard finished by hand (sheet 170 x 257 mm). (Meemelink) Belgian horticultural journal, published from 1845-1849 by the Royal Agricultural and Botanical Society of Gent, organizer of the famous flower shows in Gent, Gentse Floraliën, since 1809. Started and edited by Charles Morren at the same time as the more successful competitor Flore des serres et des jardins de lEurope of the nurseryman Louis van Houtte. * Great flower books p. 84; Nissen BBI 2212. |
historical lactiflora-cultivar |
this picture is from the website of Jan Meemelink, Antiquariaat Jan Meemelink, Mankesstraat 6, NL-2597 CN Den Haag |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |