type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [China central plains cultivar group]
origination: |
Classic variety. |
chinese name: |
english transl.: |
Pea green, Green of Beans |
deutsch: |
Grüne Erbse |
italiano: |
Verde pisello |
Dou Lu. Crown or globular form. Flowers 12cm x 6cm, yellowish green (144-D); petals 2-3-whorled, thick, stiff, purple basal blotches; the inner petals crowded, rugose; pistils petaloid or small. Stalks slender, pliable, flowers pendulous. Flowering late. Plant dwarf, spreading. Branches relatively slender. Winter buds narrowly conical, aquiline, pale brownish green, with red at the apex of bud scales. Leaves long, medium-sized; leaflets broadly ovate, apex acute, pendulous, green slightly suffused with purple above, dense pilose beneath. Growth medium, flowers many. Classic variety. |
Golden Port: |
GP.P Green, hydrangea shaped, aqua-green when first opened turning to olive green when fully opened with purple flecks at base, flower size 5"; leaves green with a purple tinge, hairy on back; plant height to 5 feet; a late bloomer, a rare and valued cultivar. |
Brothers: |
Bro.: L 2x2' Fr Crown, Rare, Famous and Super Fine. The sided facing 7" fragrant blooms of Chartreuse are truly breath-taking. A Medium grower that takes a few years to come into its full beauty. |
Rivière: |
r:mittelhoch. G. Petalenspitzen enthalten Chlorophyll, wodurch sie beim Aufblühen grünlich wirkt. Voll aufgeblüht fast weiß, BF purpur Eine der schönsten Kuriositäten, rel. langsam wachsend. |
m: |
kein Duft, - 120cm spät hellgrün *15-20cm, hängend, eine der seltensten *limpid, öffnet sich bohnengrün, verändert sich zu weiß |
Rivière (1995): |
'Dou Lou' "Die grüne Erbse" Gefüllt. Gefüllte Blüte, deren Petalenspitzen Chlorophyll enthalten, wodurch sie beim Aufblühen grünlich wirkt. Voll aufgeblüht ist sie fast weiß mit purpurnen Flecken an der Petalenbasis. Eine der schönsten Kuriositäten. Mittelhoch, relativ langsam wachsend. |
Osti (1997) |
20. DOU LU, «Verde pisello». Una delle più rare e apprezzate cultivar cinesi. Fiore stradoppio, bianco con sfumature giallo- verdastre e rare macchie porpora all'unghia dei petali. I fiori laterali leggermente ricadenti, foglie più chiare alla pagina inferiore. I fiori durano a lungo e sono tardivi. Portamento vigoroso con buona resistenza a freddo e vento. |
Osti (1999) |
20. DOU LU "Pea Green" One of the rarest and much appreciated Chinese cutlivars. Flowers: white tinged a greenish yellow, with a few purple blotches at the base of the petals; fully double, lateral flowers slightly pendulous, long-lasting, late flowering. Leaves: lighter green on the underside. Habit: vigorous. Good resistance to cold and wind. |
leaves/ Blätter |
xinxin: (suffr.): |
Dou Lu |
peonyworld/ (suffr.) |
Dou Lu // Green of Beans Yellowish green, purple blotches at the base of the outer petals. Crown form or globular form. Flowers size " 16cm x 7cm "; pendulous; delicate fragrance. Plant dwarf, spreading. Branches relatively slender. Growth medium; flowers many. Blossoming late. One of the rarest and most famous varieties in the world. Classic variety. |
NTSC (suffr.) |
Dou Lu (Green Of Beans) |
(Chinese Mudan cultivated in Japan) Bud has difficulty opening, when the tips of the pale green petals containing chlorophyll are visible. After full bloom the colour is nearly white with reddish purple flares at the base of the petals. Medium size. Late midseason. Weak growth, small plant. |
Dou Lu. Bluish green in bud, opening to yellowish green, Hydrangea-shaped ; conspicuous purple at base, lateral drooping flowers with slim soft shoots, leaves with more down underside, late blooming, long lasting, on of rare cultivars in the world. |
Heze Guohua Peony Research Institute |
Dou Lu ( Green of Beans) Late season, Crown or globular form,
Green Crown or globular form. Flowers 12cm x 6cm, yellowish green.
Stalks slender. Flowering late. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |