Paeonia 'Paladin'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [herbaceous hybrid]


lac #1875


lobata (Perry)


9926'Ludovica', 'Jean Cowley', 'Cytherea', 'Paladin'

2, 3 4, 5

PALADIN (Saunders, 1950) - Semi-Double - Red - Hybrid. Very glowing carmine-red, loosely semi-double. The most cerise of the reds of this strain. Albiflora x lobata. List in Bulletin 129. Saunders 1955 catalog.

Paladin (1950) Dwarf plants with pointed bu[..] glowing cerise-red flowers. [Albiflora x lobata - the great race of „lobata hybrids“ This group contains many beautiful pink and red tones so long desired in the Chinese peonies; salmon, coral, rose and deep cherry pinks, to clear bright crimsons, with no hint of purple and never a bad color in all the hundreds that have bloomed. I think this is the most brilliant and e effective strain of herbaceous hybrids yet produced. . Their season is generally M. They set hardly any seed, but their F2's may be interesting. About a dozen reds, and almost thirty pinks have been introduced, many of them so similar to one another that I have now tried to sort them roughly into color groups. The pinks especially, fade off as the flower ages , into pale peach shades, so that a mature plant will have flowers of many differing tones, but all harmonious [..] are single except when otherwise noted. ]The Reds

PALADIN (E)(Saunders) Glowing cherry red semi-double that is low growing, about 18" high; forms a wide, bushy plant for the front of the border

Paladin (Saunders, 1950) Carmine-red, semi-double, midseason, 20" tall, hybrid. A glowing red, tulip shaped flower on a rounded, tidy, dwarf plant suitable for borders.

'Paladin' (Saunders 1950) (hybride P.lobata) : flr. semi-double carmin à cerise, 60cm, précoce

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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