Paeonia 'Feng dan bai'
type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [ostii-hybrid] - [China Southern Yangtse cultivar group]
name in Luoyang*: |
Feng dan bai |
Ying wu bai |
name in Heze*: |
Bai he zhan chi |
Bai he zhan chi |
english transl.: |
Phoenix white, White Phoenix |
Parrot white |
deutsch: |
Weißer Phönix |
italiano |
Fenice bianca |
Osti (1997) |
FENG DAN BAI, «Fenice bianca». È la cultivar più diffusa della Paeonia ostii, la specie più vigorosa, di rapido sviluppo e fioritura di tutto il gruppo di peonie che, nella classificazione d'un tempo, era raggruppato nelle peonie suffruticose. L'ho vista coltivata con successo in condizioni di clima e terreno completamente diverse. Il fiore, grande, semplice, di norma a 12 petali, non è a coppa ma molto aperto. Bianco, ha talvolta delle venature rosacee. Si sviluppa molto anche in altezza. E fra le prime peonie a fiorire e le foglie sono lobate solo eccezionalmente. FENG DAN BAI "White Phoenix" This is the most widespread cultivar of Paeonia ostii. It is a very vigorous species with the most rapid growth of all the peonies that, in a former classification, were grouped together as suffruticose peonies; it comes into flower in a relatively short rime after propagation. I have seen this cultivar grown successfully under completely different climatic and soil conditions. Flowers: white, sometimes with pinkish veins; single, large, usually -- petals, very open and not forming cups, one of the earliest flowering. Leaves: lobed only exceptionally. Grows very tall. |
Unopiú (1997) |
Feng Dan Bai , Weißer Phönix ;einfache Blume, weiß, frühe Blütezeit, langblühend |
xinxin: (suffr.): |
White, single form flowers with dense fragrance. Fen Dan Bai is popular in most of peony gardens in the world. The flowers face upwards, floating like silk on top of the leaves. It is a cultivar close to the species P. osti. The erect plants with stout branches grow rapidly and strongly and plant height can reach at 7ft.in mature. This breed flowers early and freely. It can stand sunlight and has strong adaptability to be good enough to decorate home gardens and streets. "Fen Dan Bai" is a good choice not only for the beginning collectors but also for experienced growers |
peonyworld/ (suffr.) |
Feng Dan Bai // White Phoenix White, purple outer clothes of the ovary. Single form. Flowers size '' 18cm x 6cm "; upright; dense fragrance. Plant tall, erect. Branches stout, stiff. Growth vigorous; flowers many, lasting. Blossoming early. |
translation of the name: |
Phoenix White |
Rivière (1995): |
'Fen Dan Bai' "Der weiße Phönix" Halbgefüllt. Halbgefüllte weiße Blüten, Petalen an den Rändern geschweift Staubgefäße gelb, sehr reich blühend. |
White, single shaped with dense fragrance; bloom early; tall; robust; a free bloomer. |
Margitta Stewart 2007: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |