type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
NORMA VOLZ (Volz 1962) D.E. P. Parentage: Miss America x unknown. Large full double with cupped center, blush with pink and yellow tints, strong stems. Dark green foliage. Awarded the Myron D. Bigger plaque at Minneapolis 1962. Bulletin #166 September 1962. |
NORMA VOLTZ Large very double white flowers with flashes of crimson on the tips of the petals. Very fragrant. white, Double, Mid season fragrant, 80cm |
Norma Volz (Volz 1962) M. Full double; opens tawny blush, passing to a soft off-white. Very large, fragrant, a grand show winner. Strong grower, moderate increase, leading to the massive blossoms. Dark green foliage; low-medium height. Stems strong but may benefit by support against rain loading of the large flowers. Gold Medal Award 1987. |
Blush, double, midseason, fragrant, lactiflora cultivar. Opens blush and matures to ivory-white. A large flower with a lovley fragrance. Crimson flecks on some petals. APS Gold Medal winner 1987. |
NORMA VOLZ (F)(M)(Volz) This fully double Gold Medal winner opens with a blush at first then turns to ivory white; large superb flower with a lovely fragrance; a few of the central petals may have crimson edges; plant height to about 36 inches; |
Schenk: |
offered 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |