type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: NIPPON BEAUTY. (Auten; 1927.) Japanese type. Dark red, practically free from any objectionable shading, staminodes flushed and edged yellow, tips sharply incurved, giving a special finish to the flower. Winner of the Brand Peony Farms Special Prize of Jioo for a new Japanese variety of merit, Peoria, Ills., 1927. Although not rated, included in this list by vote of the Directors. |
NIPPON BEAUTY (Auten, 1927) - Jap. - Red - Late. A deep red Jap, practically free from any objectionable cast. The petals, petaloids and tips of carpels all the same shade. Tips of petaloids flushed and edged yellow. Tips hardly incurved, giving a special finish to the flower. This is the variety that won the Brand Peony Farms special $100 prize for a new Japanese variety of special merit and worthy of introduction. M. Bulletin 33. |
NIPPON BEAUTY Late, rich red. Strong plants with many brilliant blooms. |
Sevald: |
NIPPON BEAUTY (Auten, 1927) Japanese, late midseason. Nice blooms, with guard petals of deep, bright red, and staminodes the same color, edged yellow, on a good plant. A popular variety admired by all |
NIPPON BEAUTY (Japonaise). (Auten, 1927). Grandes fleurs, haut portées au-dessus du feuillage, d'un rouge amarante soutenu avec une touffe compacte de pétaloïdes grenat bordés or. Tardive. H. 1,20 m. |
Nippon Beauty (Auten 1927) : flr. simple rouge sombre, fines étamines pétaloïdes rouges et jaune doré, mi-saison 90cm |
NIPPON BEAUTY, Auten (USA), 1927, Paeonia lactiflora, Dark red variety of the Japanese type. Red guard petals surround a center of identically red-colored staminodes with beautiful yellow edges. Some sidebuds present. Dark red stems and dark green leaflets. 'Nippon Beauty' is an admired and popular variety, due to the beauty of the flower color contrast, the massive flowering on a mature plant and the compact and attractive planthabit. NIPPON BEAUTY, Auten (USA), 1927, Paeonia lactiflora, Donkerrode pioen van het Japanse type. De rode kleur in de buitenste grote bloembladeren en de rode kleur in de tot bloemblaadjes vergroeide meeldraden zijn identiek. Deze bloemblaadjes in het hart zijn goudgeel gerand. Enkele zijknoppen. Donkerrode stelen en donkergroen blad. Nippon Beauty is een erg populaire plant, met name dankzij haar kleurencombinatie, zeer hoge bloemproductie en vrij compacte groei |
Nippon Beauty (Auten, 1927) Deep garnet, Japanese, late, 32" tall, lactiflora cultivar. The garnet blooms have petaloid tips flushed and edged in gold. Lovely in arrangements. A real bonus is reddish colored seedpods. |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |