Paeonia 'Souvenir du Professor Maxime Cornu'
type: [tree peony] [lutea hybrid]
(Louis Henry 1907) P.lutea x 'Ville de Saint-Denis'
origination: |
The Chugai Nursery, Yamamoto, Japan, Catalog 1940-1941: Tree peony, newest varieties: |
Wister (1961) |
'Kinkaku' (Golden Pagoda) |
Synonym: |
Full double hanging flowers of bright golden yellow petals trimmed with a light carmine |
Souvenir de Maxime Cornu, every stem carries one to three very large full double flowers, six to seven inches in diameter, of perfect form, with petals of a brilliant yellow, heavily shaded orange-salmon. Very fragrant and lasting. |
SOUVENIR DE MAXIME CORNU (L Henry, 1907). (Double). Plante énorme à feuillage ample vert foncé à revers glauques. Fleurs groupées par 2 ou 3 sur chaque tige atteignant 25 cm de diamètre, à pétales serrés, chiffonnés et gaufrés jaune canari fortement teinté d'orange passant au jaune soufré clair, liserés carmins. Légèrement parfumée. |
Ariga (1993) |
KINKAKU (Goldner Tempel) Die Sorte stammt aus Frankreich. Orangefarbige rot geränderte Blüte in zehntausendfacher Blüte. Die Spitze des Kronblattes und der Blütenboden sind rötlich-orange. Der ursprüngliche Name lautet: SOUVENIR DE PROF. MAXIME CORNU |
Osti (1997) |
SOUVENIR DE MAXIME CORNU. Ricorda nel nome il direttore del Jardin des Plantes che incoraggiò Louis Henry ad insistere nell'ibridazione della P. delavayi. Ottenuta nel 1907 è una pianta di grande sviluppo e grandi fiori gialli, mescolati d'arancione e di giallo più chiaro. Profumata, ha un fogliame molto bello, come la pianta madre. Prodotta da Michel Rivière nel 1992, ha fiori semplici, molto decorativi, rosa chiaro con riflessi carminei. Portamento elegante, molto fiorifera. SOUVENIR DE MAXIME CORNU Raised in 1907. Named after the director of the Jardin des Plantes who encouraged Louis Henry to persevere in the hybridization of Paeoniaa delavayi. Flowers: yellow, orange and bright yellow tints; double, large, scented. Leaves: very beautiful. like the mother plant. Habit: large. |
Rivière (1995): |
'Souvenir du Professeur Maxime Cornu' (Louis Henry 1907). Riesengroße Blüte, die 25 cm im Durchmesser erreicht. Petalen dicht gedrängt, knittrig, wabenartig geprägt, intensiv orange getöntes Kanariengelb, das sich schwefelgelb verfärbt. Sehr betont karmin gestreift. Beachtenswert wegen ihres üppigen Wuchses. Foto Seite 2. |
SOUVENIR DE MAXINE CORNU The blending of colours in this tree peony is most impressive being of gold overlaid with orange tones. Because the blooms are such heavy doubles they tend to hang their heads. Gold double. Henry |
PROFESSOR SOUVENIR DE MAXIME CORNU Flower type: Tree PeonyDouble Plant zone(s): 4-8 Bloom time: Late Hybridizer: Louis Henry
Full double, large blossoms of gold and yellow overlaid with orange tones. Red tinges on the petal edges. Unique and quite fragrant. |
M.S. Uspenskaja 2003, p. 180: |
since 2006 in China also as 'JINKAKU', compare the snapshot: website snapshot done on Aug. 05, 2006, source: http://hoftco.51.net/Japanese.htm
Beitrag von Toto am 21.5.2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |