type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
breeder: |
NICK SHAYLOR (Allison, 1931) - Double - Light Pink - Late. Medium long stems. Not fragrant. Full rose type. Same coloring as Solange with a little more pink than that variety. Blooming season very late. Large bloom with clean buds that always open well. Stiff stems. Foliage, dark green. Unlike Solange, roots are clean and well shaped. A very reliable bloomer. Bulletin 47. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Nick Shaylor' (Allison, U.S.A., 1931) Bloemen glanzend lichtroze, gevuld; bladeren tamelijk groot, matglanzend, groen tot donkergroen, stelen licht roodbruin; hoogte 80 cm; bloemstengels stevig; vertakking goed. 'Nick Shaylor' is van nature een gezonde cultivar, die opvalt door bloemvorm en kleur. Het is een prachtige tuinpioen. Botrytis is tijdens de vierjarige keuringsperiode niet waargenomen. |
'Nick Shaylor' (USA Allison 1931). Gelblich und lachs getöntes Rosa mit gelegentlichen roten Flecken, schöne gefüllte Form |
(1999):Nicholls Gardens |
NICK SHAYLOR (Allison 31) Full rose type, double light pink blooms are held above dark green foliage. GM 41 & 72 Late |
NICK SHAYLOR Pink, Double, Late, Fragrant. 90cm. This rose type double opens well to show a pale pink flower on stiff stems over dark green foliage. NICK SHAYLOR This rose type double opens well to show a pale pink flower on stiff stems over dark green foliage. Ideal for picking. IJ Double, Late, " fragrant, 90cm |
Shaylor Season Late Type
Double Color Pink Size
Medium Details (Allison, 1931) |
NICK SHAYLOR Flower type: PeonyDouble Size: 34" Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Late Hybridizer: Allison
Full rose-type double with delicate buds that open well to display light pink blooms with red flecking. Dark green foliage and stiff stems help to make this lovely plant a reliable bloomer.
NICK SHAYLOR (L)(Allison) A tall, full rose-type double with blooms that can reach 10 inches across; the bud open to a delicate shade of pink, then fades to ivory white; a few crimson edges are on some of the central petals; twice a Gold Medal winner |
Nick Shaylor (Alison 1931) L-VL. Full Double, light pink with red flecks at some petal ends. A standard of exhibition quality for many years. Very reliable, flowers held well for landscape. Vigorous; dark green leaflets and stout stems, medium to tall. Gold Medal Award 1941 (repeated 1972). |
Nick Shaylor (Allison, 1931) Blush, double, late-midseason, 36" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Blush or light pink bloom with full rose flower form. An outstanding beauty. APS Gold Medal Winner 1941 and 1972. |
NICK SHAYLOR:Soft blush full double. Fragrant with a beautifully shaped blossom. Always in demand, midseason. |
Sevald: |
NICK SHAYLOR (Allison, 1931) Double, late. Very large, beautiful blooms are light pink to near white with red splashes. At the close of the peony season this flower opens in all its splendor. Near perfect form - excellent garden flower or show |
Nick Shaylor Double blush pink flowers with thick guard petals surrounding loose inner petals. A nicely shaped flower borne on straight stems. Late. |
'Nick Saylor (Allisson 1931) flr. double rosé chamoisé, 1m, parfumée, mi-saison |
offered 2007 |
NICK SHAYLOR, Allison (USA), 1931, Paeonia lactiflora, Zeer grote en geheel gevulde lichtroze bloemen die snel naar wit verkleuren. Sporadisch komt een enkel rood vlekje voor op een enkel bloemblaadje. Enkele zijknoppen. Gemakkelijk bloeiend en sterk groeiend. Het tamelijk grof gevormde en donkergroene blad aan dikke stevige stelen geeft de plant een robuuste uitstraling. In volle bloei kan enige ondersteuning nodig zijn. 'Nick Shaylor' is maar liefst twee maal bekroond met de APS Gold Medal: zowel in 1941 als in 1972. NICK SHAYLOR, Allison (USA), 1931, Paeonia lactiflora, Very large and full double flowers which start out light pink but quickly fade to white. A red speck incidently occurs on a single flower petal. Some sidebuds present. Floriferous and easy growing. The fairly coarse and dark green foliage on heavy stems provide the plant a stout appearance. During full bloom some support may be necessary. 'Nick Shaylor' has the evenly rare as high honour of being awarded with the APS Gold Medal twice; in 1941 and in 1972. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |
last updated 01.08.2007 |