type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [China central plains cultivar group]
origination: |
Zhaolou Peony Garden, Heze in 1973. |
chinese name: |
english : |
Colorful Painting, Brightly-coloured Painting, Coloured Wonder |
italiano: |
Meraviglia variopinta |
Osti (1997) |
07. CAI HUI, «Meraviglia variopinta». Fiore stradoppio, tipo anemone, di colore rosa lillà con l'unghia del petalo più scura a denotare una probabile ascendenza rockii. Forma un cespuglio eretto, dense molto vigoroso, resistente al freddo e al vento. Fioritura mediana. 07. CAI HUI "Coloured Wonder" Flowers: lilac pink, with the base of the petals darker, indicating probable Paeonia rockii origins; fully double, anemone form, mid-season flowering. Habit: erect bush, dense, very vigorous. Resistant to cold and wind. |
Cai Hui. Crown form. Flowers 16cm x 7cm, light red faintly purple (73-B); the outer petals 2-3-whorled, flat, entire and regular, suffused with purplish red at the base; the inner petals small, wrinkled, crowded, regular, some petaloid filaments bearing anthers are present, a few stamens grow among the petals; pistils small or petaloid. Stalks long, stiff, flowers upright or lateral. Flowering early. Plant medium to dwarf, partially spreading. Branches fairly slender, stiff. Leaves orbicular, large-sized, crowded; leaflets ovate, thick, soft, slightly pendulous, apex acute. Growth medium; flowers many, neatform. Bred by Zhaolou Peony Garden, Heze in 1973. |
Golden Port (2000): |
Pale red tinged with faint purple color, crown shaped, flower size 6" with a delicate fragrance; large and thick leaves; plant height to 5 feet, strong branches; an early bloomer; a showy plant. |
Heze Guohua Peony Research Institute |
Hui(Brightly-coloured Painting) Early season, Red, Crown form
Crown form. Flowers 16cm x 7cm, light red faintly purple. Stalks
long, stiff, flowers upright or lateral. Flowering early. |
peonyworld/ (suffr.) |
Cai Hui // Brightly-colored Painting Light red faintly purple, suffused with purplish red at the base. Crown form. Flowers size '' 16cm x 7cm ''; upright or lateral; delicate fragrance. Plant medium to dwarf, partially spreading. Branches fairly slender, stiff. Growth medium; flowers many, neatform. Blossoming early. (1973) |
Caihui : Crown-shaped, Flatroundbuds, Light red and purple, Erect flowers and stems, early-blooming |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |