Paeonia 'Yellow Dream'
YELLOW DREAM (Mr. Itoh in Japan. Itoh-Smirnow hybrid) First bloomed 1964. Parentage, Alice Harding (tree peony) - Kakoden, semi-double herbaceous. Yellow with light blotches in the center. Ball form, stamens, pollen, seeds, reliable, fragrant. 24-36" height. Midseason. Tree peony foliage with herbaceous plant habits. Purchased by me in 1966 for my exclusive use. Now known as Itoh-Smirnow hybrid. Introduced in this country and other countries by Louis Smirnow. Registered by Louis Smirnow January 16, 1974. Bulletin #209 March 1974. |
Rivière (2000) |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |