type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
oorigination: |
BOWL OF BEAUTY (Hoogendoorn, 1949) - Japanese - Pink - Early. About 3' tall. Guard petals fuchsine rose (HCC 25/2), staminodes pale lemon yellow (HCC 601/3). Flowers about 12" in diameter on strong stems, foliage normal green. Very outstanding variety.Bulletin 115. |
Bowl of Beauty, pale pink, with upright creamy white petaloids in the style of Kelway's Unique and very fine. Japanese |
'Bowle of Beauty' (Hoogendoorn, 1949),**,B,S,1-3/ 70-90,70 ,mittelfrüh,lilarosa, Mitte creme,B2-3,Kompakt; anemonenblütig; verbänderte gelbe Staubgefäße. Roter Fruchtknoten |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Bowl of Beauty' (Hoogendoorn, Nederland, 1949) Japanse . Bloemen rozelila (RHS CC 67B/C tot 73A Red Purple Group), enkel; petaldiden in het hart talrijk, pastelkleurig, citroengeel tot roomwit; bladeren matglanzend groen tot lichtgroen; hoogte 90 cm; bloemstengels zeer stevig, vaak bezet met vele zijknoppen; vertaking goed tot zeer goed. Deze Nederlandse cultivar behoort tot één van de beste in het gekweekte sortiment. Door de vaak talrijke minder sterk ontwikkelde zijknoppen bloeit de plant gedurende een lange periode. Deze pioen is resistent tegen Botrytis en andere kwalen, uniek in bloemkleur en vorm en daarom als tuinplant én op de bloemenveüing zeer gewaardeerd. |
'Bowl of Beauty' (NL Hoogendoorn 1949). Rosa, einfach blühende Sorte mit gelben Staubblättern und roten Fruchtknoten. Große Blumen an kräftigen Stielen |
BOWL 0F BEAUTY (Japonaise). (Hoogendoorn, 1949). Imaginez une immense coupe de pétales rosé vif ou fushia ayant au centre un large cur de pétaloïdes jaune citron clair. Sur une plante établie, les fleurs mesurent 20cm de diamètre, mais restent toujours gracieuses. Tiges hautes et fermes. Belle végétation. Tardive. H. 1,10 m. |
BOWL OF BEAUTY (F)(M-L)(Hoogendoorn) A big, showy pink Japanese variety much in demand; flowers can reach 10" to 12" in diameter on a mature plant; fuchsine rose guard petals surround a mound of creamy staminodes; sometimes pink petaloids in center are so profuse, the peony looks like a full double; always outstanding in our garden, |
Sevald: |
BOWL OF BEAUTY (Hoogendoorn, 1949) Japanese, late midseason. A very good variety; large flowers have pink guard petals and a mound of pale Lemon yellow staminodes. Not so well known in America, it has won high honors in flower shows in Europe. We think that once you have it, you will treasure it always |
ClaireAustin: |
Bowl of Beauty Bright pink guard petals with a centre of pale lemon, ribbon-like petals. A very popular and dependable variety. Fragrant. |
'Bowl of Beauty' : or. hort, fl. simple, rosé-bonbon, nombreux pétaloides jaune pâle à crème, 11 Ocm, tardive. |
'Bowl of Beauty' (Hoogendoorn 1949) : flr. japonaise simple rosé bonbon, petit pompon d'étamines petaloïdes jaune pâle à crème, 1,10m, .tardive |
Bowl of Beauty (Hoogendorn, 1949) Pink, Japanese, fragrant, midseason, 32" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Pink outer petals surround a center of creamy staminodes. Ours frequently has a fountain of deep rose petals bursting from center! |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |