type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
SWORD DANCE (Auten, 1933) - Jap. - Red. Tall. Medium dark red Jap, typical petaloids, many of them. Green carpels. Large bloom, fine substance, stands extreme heat without fading. Bulletin 54. List in Bulletin 61. |
Sword Dance (Auten 1933) L. Japanese form; bright, light red petals of a hue unusual in a Lactiflora cultivar surround a large center of predominantly yellow staminodes which are streaked with the same red, a very appealing color effect. Color holds well in sun. Tall, broad bush, strong flower stems well clothed in foliage. Prolific, excellent performer. Seeds |
Sword Dance (Auten, 1933) Red, japanese, late, 36" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Bright red petals surround an unusual arrangement of yellow staminoides streaked with red. An unusual and outstanding flower that drew attention even as a first year plant. |
Sword Dance: Outstanding medium-sized single flowers, with rich-red petals framing a large yellow petaloid center. |
Sword Dance Season Mid-season Type Single Color Red Size 34" Details Outstanding light bright red with yellow stamens streaked with red. This tall, sturdy plant stands above others in the landscape. Heat and wind resistant. Great cut flower. |
SWORD DANCE, Auten (USA), 1933, Paeonia lactiflora, Grote donkerrode bloemen van het Japanse type met geel omrande tot bloemblaadjes vergroeide meeldraden in het centrum. De heldere kleuren vervagen nauwelijks in de zon en tijdens uitbloei. Enkele zijknoppen. Hoog opgroeiend tot bijna 1 meter. De groeikracht, rijke bloei en harde kleurencontrasten staan garant voor een zeer spectaculaire pioenroos SWORD DANCE, Auten (USA), 1933, Paeonia lactiflora, Large bright red guard petals surround a large center of yellow edged staminodes of an equal red hue. A very appealing color effect. Color holds well. Some sidebuds. Tall growing. High vigour and floriferous are other characteristics of this excellent performer. |
'Sword Dance' : or. hort., fl. simple, rouge vif pourpré, nombreux pétaloides pourpre à jaune pâle lumineux au centre, 120cm, tardive. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |