type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
Starlight Ivory yellow, sometimes with warm tints. All gold-and-cream heart. Very similar to Dr. White's famous 'Claire de Lune', but a week earlier. ( QUADRUPLE HYBRIDS A "Mloko-macro" hybrid was crossed onto officinalis, and the resulting triple hybrid was in turn crossed onto an albiflora. Mloko gives them their golden ivory sheen, and many are brillantly flared. Introduced from 1949 on, their blooming season covers VE, E, and often on into M, Very few seeds are set.) |
STARLIGHT (Saunders, 1949) - Single - Ivory-White - Hybrid. Ivory-yellow, 5-6 inches wide, sometimes faintly flushed. Small creamy center. Fine. Quadruple hybrid: albiflora, officinalis, macrophylla and Mlokosewitschi. Saunders 1955 catalog-List in Bulletin 129 |
PALE PRIMROSE (Saunders, 1951) Name changed to STARLIGHT. Single - Pale Yellow Hybrid. Letter from Miss Saunders, 1955. List in Bulletin 129. |
PALE PRIMROSE (1951) (N) - Name changed to STARLIGHT. |
Nicholls Gardens (1999): |
STARLIGHT (Saunders 49) Hybrid. Two rows of ivory yellow petals make up this single flower with a luscious gold and cream center. Photo is showing flower too white and not the ivory yellow that it is in the garden. Blooms in April here. Very early. |
Petterson: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |