Paeonia 'Spellbinder'
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
SPELLBINDER (Bigger 1960) Grandchild of Primevere. Single, early white. Small center of yellow stamens. Bulletin #158. |
SPELLBINDER A very popular white and butter yellow combination giving a crisp dean appearance. Suits the "clean green" image to perfection. Low growing, and free flowering. A very neat plant. WJapanese, Mid season 80cm. |
SPELLBINDER White, Japanese, Mid season , No staking. 80cm. Low growing, free flowering white and butter yellow combination giving a crisp clean appearance. |
Spellbinder (Bigger1960) Midseason. Single; very large, white petals surround a small center of yellow stamens. Capable of making an exhibition winning flower and excellent in the landscape. A vigorous, medium height bush; flowers set close to the foliage. Seeds and Pollen. Item 0718 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |