type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
SHAWNEE CHIEF (Bigger, 1940) - Double - Red - Midseason. Dark red, with fine foliage that holds its color until late in the fall. Very good grower with stiff stems and well proportioned flowers that hold well in cold storage. Color better than Felix Crousse but not quite as good as Philippe Rivoire, but a better grower than either. It was originally carried under No. 7-32. Bulletin 78. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Shawnee Chief' (Bigger, U.S.A., 1940) Bloemen karmozijnrood met paarse gloed, aangenaam geurend, gevuld; bladeren groen, stelen en deels de hoofdnerf bru . inrood; hoogte 90 cm; bloemstengels matig tot goed stevig; vertakking matig tot goed. Deze op 'Féfix Crousse' gelijkende cultivar valt op door de vrij grote bloemen en goede geur. |
SHAWNEE CHIEF:Double dark red, good cut flower, vigorous grower. Strong 36" stems. Good cut flower. Late mid-season. |
'Shawnie Chief (Bigger 1940) : flr. double rouge-brun, en coupe, pétales arrondis, 1m, mi-saison |
SHAWNEE CHIEF (Bigger) An excellent cut-flower red coming into bloom midseason. It open; well in the field and has excellent keeping qualities if placed in storage. The stems are about 30 inches tall and on well established plants you may expect from 12 to 20 flowers. In the bud this fine red resembles a Rose. |
Shawnee Chief (Bigger 1940) L. Full Double; many petals, medium red, may be dark pink when grown in hotter climates. Excellent plant habit for the landscape, medium height, foliage holds into autumn. Vigorous, tolerant, prolific; a good performer in adverse conditions, very reliable. The late Myron Bigger highly recommended this one for cemetery planting and said he had distributed more plants of it than of any other peony. |
Shawnee Chief (Bigger,1940) Red, double, late mid-season, 36" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Outer 3 rings of petals are larger than center petals. Strong stems and a good cut flower. |
SHAWNIE CHIEF (Bigger, 1940). Fleur rouge plutôt sombre aux pétales bien découpés rappelant les plumes des chefs indiens. Très bonne végétation et excellente tenue des fleurs. Mi-saison. |
© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |