type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
16982 |
F3 of #4969'Mariner' |
(F2 = 14030) |
= |
16982'Sanctus' |
SANCTUS (Saunders) (Between 1952 & 1955) - Single - White -Hybrid. A new offering. Single, white, blended faint blush, with center of gold. Second generation (Saunders' 1955 catalog.) F3 generation - Miss Saunders' letter. Albiflora x officinalis, second or third generation. Saunders catalog and letter, 1955. |
Sanctus (1955) Third generation plant of this strain fine single white, faintest flush. (Albiflora x single crimson officinalis All E-M) |
SANCTUS (Saunders, 1952-1955). (Lactiflora x Officinalis). (Hybride F3). Fleur simple blanc nuancé rouge au centre, à cur doré. C'est une réelle merveille dont le feuillage brillant fait encore ressortir la beauté des fleurs. Très précoce. H. 0,80 m. |
Light pink to white, single, very early, 34" tall, hybrid. A striking landscape plant with early blooms that are abundant. The rounded leaves make a nice landscape background plant. |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |