type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
origination: |
SALMON GLOW (Glasscock, 1947) - Single - Salmon Pink - Early - Hybrid. Medium height. No. 8 R 44 seedling. Many stems. Upright plant. Albiflora x officinalis Sunbeam. Bulletin 108. |
Salmon Glow' :(Glasscockl947) fl.simple rosé-saumon (Lactiflora x off Sunbeam) |
Sevald: |
SALMON GLOW (Glasscock, 1947) Hybrid.semi-double, early. A grand flower in a hue much sought after by peony collectors beautiful salmon pink bowl shaped blooms with bright yellow centers. This one will bring joy to your eyes |
Salmon Glow Season Early Type Double Color Pink Size Details Semi-double. Beautiful salmon pink bowl shaped blooms with bright yellow centers. Gorgeous! |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |