type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: PRIMEVERE. Lemoine, 1907.) 8.6. Anemone type; medium size; midseason. A flattish flower with creamy white, cupped guards rarely splashed with red; center composed of short, narrow petals of canary-yellow, becoming light with age; moderately fragrant. Tall; floriferous; stems lax. Good, dark green, rather coarse foliage. Very much like Laura Dessert, which see. One of the very best of the so-called yellows. A profuse bloomer. Stems rather weak and need support. See color illustration. "The habit of Primevere is so distinct from that of Laura Dessert that I feel there is plenty of room for both. Furthermore, if it came to a question of discarding one of them, I should vote to keep Primevere as on the whole the more beautiful flower, though I know that many of my colleagues would take the other view." Saunders. "With me Laura Dessert is distinct from Primevere. I consider Laura Dessert a better yellow, holding its color much longer."Christman. "Laura Dessert is distinct with me."Fewkes. "Laura Dessert and Primevere, as grown by us, are very different both in bloom and in plant. Primevere is also much more dependable."Brand. |
Blumenschmidt (1938) |
Primevere, hellschwefelgelb |
Primevere, [Paeonia sinensis Gefülltblühende Sorten:] hellschwefelgelb |
Primevere (Lemoine 1907), blush-white with bright lemon-yellow petaloid centre; changes to milk-white. Large. When young second only to Laura Dessert for yellowness. Sweetly scented. t.ml.ac. |
Primevere (Lemoine 1907) Midseason. Anemone form, milk white guard petals centered with a full center of petalodes, light yellow upon opening, passing white, good petal substance. A good grower and floriferous. Stems fall with the developing flower buds, support is essential for flowering in the landscape. No pollen, but makes many seeds, parent of some fine sorts. Prolific breeder. Item 1484 |
PRIMEVERE (Lemoine, 1907) -'Double - White - Midseason. Tall. Moderately fragrant. Anemone type, medium size. A flattish flower with creamy white, cupped guards rarely splashed with red; center composed of short, narrow petals of canary-yellow becoming light with age. Floriferous, stems lax. Good dark green, rather coarse foliage. M. |
'Primevère' /Lemoine/1907 |
'Primevere' (F Lemoine 1907). Die äußeren, cremeweißen Petalen umschließen ein schwefelgelbes kugeliges Zentrum. |
'Primevère' (Lemoine 1907) : flr. simple rosé carné, pompon d'étamines pétaloïdes jaune pâle à crème, 90cm, mi-saison. |
plate 41 |
offered on ebay.de by [dachstauden] 10.2007 |
Die extravagante "Primevère" hat eine selten gesehene Blütenfarbe: Ihre wunderschönen, gefüllten Einzelblüten sind von cremeweißer Farbe, die zur Mitte hin in zartes Gelb übergeht. Die großen Blüten stehen üppig über ihrem glänzend dunkelgrünen, ornamental wirkenden Laub |
offered on ebay.com by [meadowviewnursery] 10.2007 |
© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |
'Zweiter Frühling' Bis zur Aufklärung, was sich hinter dieser falschen Primevere versteckt, dieser Arbeitsname. Schöner Duft, zartes Rose, eine sehr schöne Sorte, die mit falschem Namen ankam. |