Paeonia 'Reine Hortense' (=President Taft ??)

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] – [lactiflora]


Calot (115)

biographie (en francais): http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hortense_de_Beauharnais

Paeonia sinensis. Extra-Auslese der feinsten Sorten, die das beste enthält, was existiert:

Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]:

REINE HORTENSE. (Calot, 1857.) 8.7.

Double type; very large; midseason. Rose-pink with crisp, fluffy petals of translucent texture, notched and silvered at the tips and occasionally flecked with crimson in the center; slight unpleasant odor. Tall; free-flowering; good stems and foliage.

A bold, handsome, flat flower of unusually full petalage for its type. President Taft is considered identical.

REINE HORTENSE (Calot, 1857) - Double - Pink - Midseason. Tall. Slightly unpleasant odor. Very large. Rose-pink with crisp, fluffy petals of translucent texture, notched and silvered at the tips and occasionally flecked with crimson in the center. Free-flowering. Good stems and foliage. M.

Rivière (1995):

'Reine Hortense' /Calot/1857

Kortmann (1998)

'Reine Hortense' (syn. 'President Taft') (Calot, Frankrijk, 1857) Bloemen roze, tepalen sterk gefranst, randen zilverachtig, gevuld, geur sterk onaangenaam, middelvroeg; bladeren fors, groen, gaaf , hoogte 80 cm; bloern en bladstengels stevig; vertakking matig tot goed. Een al zeer oude cultyar, die nog steeds in het sortiment aanwezig is. De bloemen zijn heel aantrekkelijk, maar de plant is enigszins gevoelig voor Botrytis.

Reine Hortense* (Calot 1857) ML-L. Full Double; pink.  This stock is a recent addition here, from a long established collection, with expectation that it is reliably identified.  We will be comparing it with our President Taft in effort to verify that they are the same, or not. 

Reine Hortense (Calot 1857), pale pink splashed crimson. Large compact flowers. t.ff.el.

Reine Hortense, [Paeonia sinensis Gefülltblühende Sorten:] fleischfarbig mit lachsfarbig

'Reine Hortense' (Calot 1857) : fl. double, rosé carné pâle à rosé carné foncé, parfumée, 1,10m, tardive

M.S. Uspenskaja 2003, p. 140:

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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