Paeonia 'Mr. Ed', also spelled 'Mister Ed'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] – [lactiflora]

MR. ED - Roy Klehm, Charles Klehm and Son Nursery, Feb. 19,1980. Parentage colchicine-treated Mons. Jules Elie. First bloomed about 1960. Extra early, blushing cream color large bloom of high centered form. Vigorous yearly growth with strong stems. No pollen, sets seeds. Fragrant. This chimera mutation of Mons. Jules Elie will occasionally produce frosty white flowers dappled with rose.


MR ED:Luscious blush-cream blooms on strong, 28" vigorous stems. A tetraploid 'Mons Jules Elie' that is extra early. Fragrant.

A&D Nursery:

MISTER ED (E)(Klehm) A favorite that has deep pink as well as soft pink flower on the same plant; occasionally there can also be frosty white flowers dappled with rose; the large blooms top strong stems that reach about 28" in height; excellent cut flower

MR ED A most unusual peony in that it throws both white and mid pink blooms on the one plant. Fully double, and idea! for the cut flower market. Can we say - two for the price of one? white, Double, Early, 90cm.

Die Aufnahme oben zeigt, daß die Sorte auch mal zurückschlägt.

'Mister Ed' (C.& Klehml980) : (mutation de P.'Jules Elie') : flr. double rosé rougissant, 1m, tardive.

Mister Ed (Klehm,1980) Blushing pink, bomb-type double, lightly fragrant, midseason, 36" tall, lactiflora cultivar. May have pink flowers and luscious blush-cream blooms on the same bush. Good cut flower with a light fragrance.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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