type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
MISS AMERICA (Mann-van Steen, 1936) - Semi-Double - Early - Blush. Average height. Blush, fades to white. Type of Minnie Shaylor and Silvia Saunders but a decided improvement on these. Very large flower of good substance. Some flowers develop center petals in wet season. Strong stems. A peony of the highest quality. Bulletin 64. |
MISS AMERICA Flower type: PeonySemi-double Size: 36" Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Early Hybridizer: Mann-vanSteen
Layers of snow white petals open to full semi-double, exposing golden stamen with white petals interspersed. Heavy bloomer.
Semi-double. Medium size. Early Bred in U.S.A. |
MISS AMERICA (F)(M)(Mann-van Steen) A large blush to white semi-double with golden stamens and deep green carpels; excellent fragrance; an APS Gold Medal winner, |
MISS AMERICA White, Double, Early, Fragrant. No staking. 75cm. Large snow white flowers with a central ring of gold stamens. Ideal cut flower. Wonderful perfume. MISS AMERICA Large snow white flowers with a central ring of gold stamens. Ideal cut flowers. Wonderful perfume. Miss America is our most popular double white, and no wonder, she carries all of the most desirable peony characteristics. white, Double, Early, no staking, 80cm. |
Miss America (Mann/van Steen, 1936) M. Semi-double; large white petals, may open blush quickly passing white, with yellow stamens visible in most flowers; fragrant. Plants in a high state of growth develop large center petals, giving a mounded profile. Exhibition quality, frequently a show winner. Medium tall, strong grower, dark green leaflets, a big bush, excellent performer. Seed and pollen fertile, reported seed parent of Norma Volz. Gold Medal Award 1956. |
Season Mid-season Type Double Color White Size Tall Details
(Mann/van Steen, 1938) |
Miss America (Mann-van Steen, 1936) White, semi-double, fragrant, midseason, 36" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Pure white cupped flowers from blush-pink buds on strong stems. APS Gold Medal winner 1956. |
(+5) Pretty Miss who well deserves its name of a Beauty contest winner. In fact, this beautiful peony has won twice the Gold medal from the American Peony Society, in 1956 and again in 1971. Pure white semi-double flower with a center of golden stamens. Strong stems. Fragrant flower. High quality peony either for the garden or for the cut flower uses. Mid-season bloomer. Height: 90 cm. Very fertile peony·.suggestion for those interested in breeding. Miss America is always a winner's buy! (+5) Une jolie Miss qui mérite bien son nom de gagnante dun concours de beauté. En effet, cette belle pivoine sest vue décerné par deux fois la médaille dor de lAmerican Peony Society, en 1956 et en 1971. Belle fleur semi-double blanche avec un centre détamines dorées. Tiges fermes ne nécessitant pas de support. Parfumée. Plant de très bonne qualité. Bonne candidate pour la fleur coupée. Floraison en mi-saison. Hauteur : 90 cm. Plant très fertile, avis aux hybrideurs. |
Miss America Cupped semi-double flower of glistening white flushed with yellow in the centre and filled with golden stamens. Fragrant. Tall. Early. |
'Miss America' (Man-van Steen) : flr. semi-double en coupe blanc pur, 1m, mi-saison. |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |